SCOTUS Healthcare Ruling

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Then, on top of those rate increases, because I made the choice at 17 to embark on 22 years of military service and earn subsidized health insurance I run the risk of my insurance plan being deemed a "Cadillac Plan" and I will therefore be subjected to additional taxes, the revenue from which will be used to fund insurance/health care for some fat ***** sitting on her ass eating twinkies who's income level qualifies her to enroll in the state run insurance 'pool'.

This. IIRC, we figured that our insurance plan will become a "Cadillac Plan" in 2015, which will cost me a buttload more in taxes. FWIW, I love how the Dems structured it so that it wouldn't actually hit until after mid-term elections in his 2nd term. That wasn't intentional at all! :rolleyes2


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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83%??? Where is that figure coming from?

Whoops, wait - 83% insured, 17% UNinsured. Sorry about that typo :D I had the ratios right in my head, just not in my hands when typing. Your figures match mine.

For the record, I saw that figure on the both my local Fox news, and my local NBC news (who interviewed Doak last night).


Special Hen
Dec 30, 2008
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Broken Arrow
sanjuro893 said:
I agree with R.H. and J.B. about the "good ole days" not being that "good". BUT........
.......wrapping yourself in the failed policies of the defunct soviet empire and embracing the same economic and overreaching social policies that have bankrupted several semi-socialist European nations all in the name of "fairness" is not PROGRESSIVE. It's RE-GRESSIVE. Socialism failed. Doesn't work. Let it go. Move

Troof! Though the left doesn't want to acknowledge it, European nations are hurting since they too want to create a Utopia for their citizens. Life isn't and will never be a Utopia. That fact is absolutely crystal clear to me and I simply cannot understand how bleeding-heart liberals think that life can be perfect for every man, woman, child, and pet on the planet. It will not happen. Ever. They can throw trillions of tax dollars gathered off the backs of the middle class worker and it will never freaking happen.

I have had it with those that think it can happen.
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Jun 26, 2007
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Pond Creek
Why are we all worked up over the fact that Justice Roberts announced that ,despite what the President said about it not being a tax, it was indeed a tax. He then ruled accordingly. The President told us that he would be taking money from us but that it would not be a tax. Sorry friend that doesn't make it so. It walked like a duck and quacked like a duck. Why are you so surprised that its a duck?

If the President were to suddenly proclaim that his dog craps banana pudding would you eat it? Or, would you tell the President that you don't believe him because it really looks like dog crap. Seems they're a lot of folks in this country that would have ate it.



If the President were to suddenly proclaim that his dog craps banana pudding would you eat it? Or, would you tell the President that you don't believe him because it really looks like dog crap. Seems they're a lot of folks in this country that would have ate it.

Chocolate pudding would be more convincing


Jun 26, 2007
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Pond Creek
Why is everyone so suddenly worried about how much the new health care law will cost? As of this moment our Federal Government is $15,786,414,908,610.14 in debt. It seems to me that we have not been the least bit concerned with paying for anything for quite a few years now.


Street Rat

Dec 10, 2007
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Folks, I have a sincere question, and I hope someone can give me an answer that doesn't involve a boiling frog on a slippery slope.
The opinion rendered by the majority is that the bill is constitutional when considered as a tax. If so, is it not a selective tax?
How will it affect people who are already insured? How will it affect most of the people posting in this thread?

Probably a lot of speculation here, but it's going to make wait times at the doctors office longer because more people are going to be there because they have a head cold and they can go because they have "free" healthcare (need revise the word "free" in the new dictionary), this is going to cut my time with the doctor, more people are not going to have to find a job now since they have "free" healtcare putting a burden on us taxpaying citizens and the economy and the deficit causing more taxes to supply this black hole of a law. When my employer stops covering my healthcare insurance like others companies have already stated they will, I'll get a doctor assigned to me by the gov. that will have to go through all of the piles of red tape that the gov. has put in his way, and take longer to get serious treatmen, then instead of fighting with private insurance over medical bills, I'll have to fight someone who is paid by the already taxed government. Ever had to deal with the government? What else...I already mentioned the deficit. I'm sure there are other things that I'm missing. That's all speculation on my side, I'll have to see what happens in the future, but those are my concerns. Did I say anything about increased medical cost to pay for those leeches of society who don't want to work to get their "free" healtcare?
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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Folks, I have a sincere question, and I hope someone can give me an answer that doesn't involve a boiling frog on a slippery slope.
The opinion rendered by the majority is that the bill is constitutional when considered as a tax. If so, is it not a selective tax?
How will it affect people who are already insured? How will it affect most of the people posting in this thread?

Damned if I know, but I'm pretty sure it will be negatively. I have my own personal policy on me only. My wife is on tribal rolls so she may not get hit quite as hard as most from the sounds of it. See my reply to SMS below for another hint.

Well, we already have selective taxes right? Married people pay less, people that own houses etc...I can't stomp my feet about that.

How will it affect those of us already insured, and people posting in this thread? From my understanding, it directly affects those who are already insured if their policy doesn't meet the qualifying standards. If your plan doesn't meet standards you have to pay more to get one or pay a tax penalty. I can't go into details on what those standards are because I don't know.

But what I do know is that when government sets standards and issues mandates on coverage...rates go up. So my rates will go up. Additionally, as my insurance provider attempts to offset the cost of providing mandatory insurance for people with pre-existing conditions and 26 year old "children" on their parents rates will go up yet again.

Then, on top of those rate increases, because I made the choice at 17 to embark on 22 years of military service and earn subsidized health insurance I run the risk of my insurance plan being deemed a "Cadillac Plan" and I will therefore be subjected to additional taxes, the revenue from which will be used to fund insurance/health care for some fat ***** sitting on her ass eating twinkies who's income level qualifies her to enroll in the state run insurance 'pool'.

That's what I think I know...I'm sure I got some details wrong but the end result does not equal "If you have a policy, everythings all good bro!"....LOL.

Right on! Not too long after this P.O.S. of a bill passed I got a letter from my carrier. It was outlining the heretofore mentioned P.O.S. I wish I still had it but it promptly found it's way to my shredder. The crux of it was regarding the "grandfather" clause. In a nutshell it stated that if you changed plans, you'd better do so very carefully because most all the plans out there wouldn't be "grandfathered" so you would end up being forced into the .gov plan. So much for keeping your own plan. One of the primary vehicles they used to do this was if you picked a plan that had higher deductibles resulting in lower monthly premiums. For myself, I already had an HSA qualifying plan but this little scheme sure sounded like they were trying to quash that benefit and trying to ensure as many people as possible went to the .gov plan. So yes you can actually keep your plan, if you can stand the pain....My premiums have risen sharply every year. Do I dare change?


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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I agree with R.H. and J.B. about the "good ole days" not being that "good". BUT........
.......wrapping yourself in the failed policies of the defunct soviet empire and embracing the same economic and overreaching social policies that have bankrupted several semi-socialist European nations all in the name of "fairness" is not PROGRESSIVE. It's RE-GRESSIVE. Socialism failed. Doesn't work. Let it go. Move

But that is NOT what's happening despite the best efforts by a bunch of miserable losers to spin it that way...and you know it.

No, it's not happening. And again it goes back to "socialism" becoming this ridiculous buzzword since '08 and how it literally means nothing now. You could argue that America functioned fine economically under more "socialist" administrations than Obama, and it could even be argued such policies actually helped the economy.

Look, I'm not telling anyone what to believe politically. I'm not saying you should like anything the Obama administration does. But all this "Gotdamn boys, get the rifles, them damn socialists done took over thuh republic." is asinine. And it's not hyperbole - people actually think this lame-ass healthcare bill going to spell the end of America. And all this shock about "how liberal" Obama is makes me laugh because Obama is considerably to the right of FDR, Teddy Rossevelt, Ike, Johnson, etc. It's an objective fact that Obama and the Democratic party are effectively further to the right than they were in the majority of the 20th century. Obama is FAR from the most liberal/progressive president in modern America.

And what's the GOP solution to this supposed Armageddon? Vote for Romney, the guy who had his hands all over this plan and is on record supporting the individual mandate. HIS individual mandate.

I don't fault the GOP base for its political beliefs; I fault them for either being to ignorant to know or too dishonest to admit the Democratic party and Obama are not the most liberal thing to ever hit America, and I fault them for bashing Obama's mandate and then telling us our only hope is to vote for Mr. Bain up there - WHO DREW UP, PUSHED, AND SUPPORTED THE SAME FRIGGIN' THING.

"Socialism" is such a misapplied and essentially meaningless word. The GOP as a whole would never get behind repealing Social Security, or eliminating all public education funding - a few LOLbertarians would, but not the average GOP voter. But here the base and the people it votes for are telling me the world is ending because of this lame-ass, not-very-liberal healthcare law. We survived the rise of progressivism, the New Deal, gov't regulation of industry and finance, etc - somehow - but this will kill us.

This isn't a Democratic party turd; its roots are with the Heritage Foundation and the current GOP candidate was pimping it until he realized he needed the votes of a polarized, frothing base angry goobers to get get into the White House. Wealthy people don't have to worry about healthcare. The mandate is a penalty for the uninsured, and that's not the wealthy elite. Sure sounds like a Republican healthcare plan to me, and Mitt agrees. A liberal healthcare plan would look a lot different.

With regards to the individual mandate, the individual responsibility program that I proposed, I was very pleased that the compromise between the two houses includes the personal responsibility mandate. That is essential for bringing the health care costs down for everyone and getting everyone the health insurance they need. - Mitt Romney, 2006

Keep frothing GOP; it's making you look really rational.
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