Seattle Officer suffers minor burns after cop car set on fire with him in it.

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Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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SEATTLE -- A Seattle police officer sitting in a patrol vehicle suffered minor burns after a man allegedly set the vehicle on fire Thursday afternoon near Denny Park, police said.

Police responded to the South Lake Union park just before 2 p.m. after receiving calls that a man was walking around with a piece of burning lumber, said Seattle police spokesperson Detective Patrick Michaud.

"The guy walks up to the police car (and) either puts the flaming stick into the patrol car or breaks a window and puts it in," Michaud said. The patrol vehicle, which was parked in an alleyway off John Street, became engulfed in flames.

The officer inside the vehicle shot at the man but didn't hit him, Michaud said, and the suspect fled on foot.

Officers chased the man into a nearby parking garage, where they hit him with a stun gun and took him into custody.

The man was arrested on investigation of assault and possibly arson, Michaud said.

The officer suffered minor injuries to his leg and both hands, said Acting Assistant Police Chief Deanna Nollette. Police did not give the name of the officer.

Jazmin Sanders, 28, who lives in a tent in Denny Park, said she saw the incident unfold across the street.

She was inside her tent with her boyfriend when she heard some people fighting outside, then multiple gunshots go off, she said. When she came outside, she saw the police vehicle on fire.

"Then the cop car started to burn even more, and I thought, 'That might actually blow up,' " Sanders said. The fire department arrived shortly after, she said.

No further details were immediately available.

This is getting to be too frequent. Please, PLEASE stay vigilant and safe out there on the streets. Not just police but everyone.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2007
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How does a piece of "burning lumber" or a "flaming stick" cause a car to go up in flames so quickly that someone couldn't get out before being burned? Seems like there are some details missing. Too bad one of the officer's shots didn't find it's target...
If it was shoved in your window and you tried to shove it out is one guess.

Some people just need killing.

From the article:
"Jazmin Sanders, 28, who lives in a tent in Denny Park, said she saw the incident unfold across the street.

She was inside her tent with her boyfriend when she heard some people fighting outside, then multiple gunshots go off, she said. When she came outside, she saw the police vehicle on fire."

She didn't see the incident unfold, she was inside a tent until she heard shots fired.


Special Hen
Aug 21, 2021
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Seattle is phenomenal in how far and fast it's descended into cesspool status. Google: Death of Seattle, and some such. It's the epitome of metropolitan areas controlled by liberals/democrats.

The fact that residents of that dump tolerate it demonstrates the unbelievable disconnect liberals have with reality. We can't fight that level of stupidity. It crosses over into clinical insanity.

I sure hope citizens of Tulsa awaken to what's happening here, because I see a lot of similarities in the two.


Special Hen
Sep 1, 2021
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Yes it is terrible it happened. I left Seattle due to the idiocy of the police that are still there when they stand by and watch folks get beaten by mobs and do NOTHING. The only police left on the force must have a damn screw loose or they are drunk on the unicorn piss of the city council and mayor. My neighbor in Dash Point left the force 3 years ago because of the idiocy and he warned me not to trust any of them especially last year just before we moved.

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