"Sluts and Slots"
Opening Soon!
Prior to '68, LBJ welfare and the Great Society, 70% of black families were married, 2 parent, Dad working.
Today, 70% of abortions are black women. Highest divorce rate. Highest unwed Mother. Lowest Father participation.
50 years, 3+ generations of living the system, will not change anytime soon.
I worked with a guy, never married, doted over his 2 unwed sister's kids.
Had 5 kids, with 5 women, did NOTHING to support or have any relationship with them. Total PoS.
Opening Soon!
Prior to '68, LBJ welfare and the Great Society, 70% of black families were married, 2 parent, Dad working.
Today, 70% of abortions are black women. Highest divorce rate. Highest unwed Mother. Lowest Father participation.
50 years, 3+ generations of living the system, will not change anytime soon.
I worked with a guy, never married, doted over his 2 unwed sister's kids.
Had 5 kids, with 5 women, did NOTHING to support or have any relationship with them. Total PoS.