Found this out by accident. But if you make some really sweet tea, and leave it on the counter for 2 or 3 days without a lid. You will pretty much get rid of your fly problem.
Found this out by accident. But if you make some really sweet tea, and leave it on the counter for 2 or 3 days without a lid. You will pretty much get rid of your fly problem.
We had pantry moths one time, but I don't think you'd describe them as looking like flies. They leave little webs where they find food, we had to clean webs off of everything in the pantry. Hard to get rid of, it doesn't sound like that's what you have but if it is I can tell you what we did for them.
View attachment 217938
WE had the same problem. These drain flies come up the drain pipes if a trap dries out from non use. Just run water in little used drain traps ocasionally, to keep this from happening!View attachment 217937
Do they look like this? Commonly called "drain flies".
Psychodidae Psychodidae - Google Search
DrainsI don't have any indoor plants and I don't have any fruit (like bananas) sitting on a counter top, but this entire summer I've had these tiny black flying things in my house. They don't bite but are attracted to light like any other small stupid bug.
Anyone know what they could be? Or what is typical to find in OK?
The same thing happens to me every July/August. I've examined and sealed every crack and crevis around the bedroom windows (the only place they show up) and generally keep my windows closed during the summer so as not to air conditioning the entire State of OklahomaWe had them really bad last month. Were told they were cluster flies. Look like houseflies but noticeably slower. We had 30 or so around a window. Our pest company said they come through the windows and other cracks? Didn’t make sense to me but he sprayed the exterior of the house and we haven’t had anymore
Nice, will try!My experience with the little buggers is to (if you have a garbage disposal) turn it on and run several ice cubes down the drain. The shards will help dislodge the gunk in your drain. My plumber showed me and it works!