Stitt moves to 'flatten the curve' of coronavirus in Oklahoma

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Special Hen
May 16, 2006
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The hoarding is smart. What is in LA is only weeks behind here, mitigating it now is crucial. Can you tell me actual numbers of incubation periods and what asymptomatic carriers means?

No one can see this. And you might never be sick, but it could kill your elders, or immunocompromised, diabetic, overweight, in fact in Italy the #1 comorbidity so far is obesity.

Guess what Americans are? A lot are pretty overweight and diabetic. This isn't going to end well. Because those same people were going to bars and restaurants this past weekend still.

That means we wont see who they infected for anywhere from 5-20 days, 37 being the longest contact traced so far in Italy, here in Oklahoma.

So, March 29th to April 18th, big clusters will hit hospitals, lag in testing, give it another 5 days for each date (that's how long results are on avg) so April 3rd and April 23rd. Respectively

Open for Easter? Countrywide. I don't want to do the math. 7% to 10% die who catch this by June. Hospitals would be setup in hotels, the Chesapeake arena, army tents in parking lots etc.

Hal Turner is that you?

Alex Jones?

Steve Quayle?

No wait, Red Dog?


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Special Hen Moderator Moderator Supporter
Dec 26, 2016
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I think it's going to suck personally, especially when nurses who don't have proper PPE start getting sick.

You didn't think hospitals begging for homemade masks was a problem yet?

Do you think preaching doom and gloom and making accusatory statements is going to change any one's mind about how they view this?
We are all grownups that have managed to ,lead our lives with out some jack leg on a forum trying to ram his EOTW prophecy's crap down every ones throat. . We have CDC, WHO and other professionals in place giving us expert advice . We do not need Joe Blow's advice!! Go read a book, clean a gun, pick weeds ............ you know something useful and slow your row because, while at first, this **** was kind of amusing it has quickly become tiresome> Lighten up Francis!!
Oct 27, 2012
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I'm wondering how much of the "home grown" business will continue to be conducted once the Coronavirus is under control since it is cost-saving-and that includes OU,OSU etc. who are using the internet for teaching. Even district schools are doing their classes online.
Back to statistics and figures for argument. Forget that, look at the deaths in Italy, Spain, China and other countries. Then observe what attention the Coronavirus has gotten, leading scientists say it's significant and is costing lives. Moreover, we've never seen factories, stores, restaurants, SPORTS, cities, countries, factories and anywhere people gather shut down like this so something must be wrong-especially since they are shutting down SPORTS venues-they've never done that before that I am aware and people are laid off from their jobs in huge numbers. This disease has shut down governments for crying out loud, people are dying but it is of no significance unless it is in someone's family-then it is extremely important. It's like a home invasion, we all talk about what we'd do if it occurred to our home but it has never happened to most of us so we don't worry about it-until it happens and then it's too late. Now go wash your hands!
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