If purchasing a firearm with a credit card, name on card must match the 4473. Turned away a few buyers when I worked at sportsman warehouse for this reason. Her returning to buy the same firearm in her name would also be a no sale, your name and address is already attached to that guns serial number. Could have been legal but store did not want the possible state/federal hassle.So, I was in at academy earlier today and was trying to buy a handgun. Did my background check and the whole nine yards. When I was doing my paperwork this young salesman kept asking me questions like, is this going to be yours or are you trying to buy it for someone else and of course I said no. Then he asked me if I was buying it for my wife, I stopped him right there and said, I am allowed to do that aren’t I? He then said yes. Ok, when I went to pay for it I was using my wife’s academy card which he then said I wasn’t allowed to use this card with out her being there. Ok fine. So I called my wife gave her the card, she went back in to try to buy the same gun and he said no because it would’ve been a straw purchase. What the heck? I mean it’s no big deal either way, just curious