TCSO: Deputy shouldn't be charged because he confused his weapons (video)

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May 11, 2009
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uh oooOOO ... more crap coming out but this time it's documented ...


Tulsa County Sheriff's Office 2009 memo documents employees' concerns over Bates' lack of training

Apr 24, 2015


TULSA - 2 Works for You has obtained an internal memo from the Tulsa County Sheriff's Office regarding a 2009 investigation into reserve deputy Robert Bates and whether he received special treatment in the department.

The investigation also looked at whether any pressure was placed on employees by supervisors to aid Bates and his position with the sheriff's office.

The document discusses a culture of favoritism. Through various interviews with staff, employees expressed concerns over Bates' lack of training.

One employee said Undersheriff Tim Albin, at the time a deputy chief, pressured her to create a document showing Bates completed a driving course she didn't believe Bates had actually done. She said it was uncommon for Albin to ask her to make a certificate; and in fact, it was the only time he had instructed her to do so.

Another employee said he was pressured by Albin and then-Captain Tom Huckeby to sign off on documents indicating Bates had completed training hours the employee says never happened. He also said he was shown memos with his name listed as the author but he never wrote them but initialed them fearing retaliation if he refused to do so.

According to the documents, Huckeby later admitted revising the employee's original memos at Albin's request to include additional comments he said were made between Albin, the employee and himself during a meeting about Bates training.

A sergeant interviewed for the investigation said Bates did not complete an entry test required by policy to become a reserve deputy. After voicing concerns to supervisors, he sent Bates a suspension letter for failing to meet firearm qualifications. He said he was then told by Albin he was no longer Bates' supervisor, nor should he have contact with him because Bates felt intimidated and harassed.

Another sergeant who worked with the reserve deputy program and was interviewed during the investigation said he had no knowledge Bates joined the program until after the fact.

He said he learned Bates was driving a personally-owned car with police equipment prior to achieving the necessary level to do so. When he brought it to Albin's attention, Albin reportedly said, "This is a s*** sandwich and you will just have to eat it but not acquire a taste for it."

The vehicle Bates was driving was soon donated to the sheriff's office, according to the memo, and was subsequently assigned to Bates, despite no other reserve deputy being assigned a vehicle, said the employee.

The same employee said he learned Bates was conducting traffic stops even though he hadn't completed the proper program. He said he approached Bates to discuss the matter and Bates said, "Well I can do it and if you don't like it you can talk to Tim Albin or Sheriff Glanz because I'm going to do it." When he met with Albin, the employee says the now-undersheriff said, "I'm tired of you f****** with this guy and I'm tired of your s***."

He was told to have no contact with Bates again and said he was later reassigned to another department because "Chief Albin does not want you to have any contact with Bob Bates anymore."

At the conclusion of the memo, the investigation is said to have found:

... policy has been violated and continues to be violated by both Captain Tom Huckeby and Chief Deputy Tim Albin with regard to special treatment shown to Reserve Deputy Robert Bates with regard to his field training and with Captain Huckeby and Chief Albin creating an atmosphere in which employees were intimidated to fail to adhere to policies in a manner which benefits Reserve Deputy Bates.

The Tulsa County Sheriff's Office sent a statement regarding the release of the memos saying "The release of this document(s) was unauthorized and we are examining how the release occurred. No action was taken at the time, but the existence of this document demonstrates this office’s willingness to investigate and review any allegations of policy violations. We will not comment further."


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May 11, 2009
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first major casualty .. could Glantz be next?


Tulsa County Sheriff: Undersheriff Tim Albin Is Out
Apr 27, 2015


Undersheriff Tim Albin.

Tulsa County Sheriff Stanley Glanz announced Monday morning that Undersheriff Tim Albin is resigning.

Tulsa Undersheriff Tim Albin told News On 6 crime reporter Lori Fullbright he is retiring as of May 1, 2015.

Whether it's a retirement or resignation, it comes following the release of a document that showed concerns about the special treatment of a reserve deputy involved in a fatal shooting earlier this month.

The Tulsa County Sheriff's Office memo concerns an investigation in 2009 that showed Reserve Deputy Bob Bates received special treatment including having a supervisor sign off that Bates had 150 hours more training than he actually completed.

The report says a sergeant tried to suspend Bates for failing to meet firearm qualifications, but Major Tom Huckeby and then-Deputy Chief Tim Albin stepped in, saying that was "harassment."

Albin started his career with the sheriff's office in 1989 and was sworn in as Undersheriff in 2012. He is an Air Force veteran and has served as a jail administrator as well as supervisor of the TCSO Reserves Unit.

Albin told News On 6 crime reporter Lori Fullbright this may not be the way he wanted to leave the sheriff's office, but he does so with his head held high because they've accomplished many great things over the years.

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