I'll give you my little summary up front, and I'm sure this quote is wrong somehow:
Of all the thieving riffraff, fools are the worst because they steal both your time and good mood. - Goethe
Things that constantly suck both your time and emotion are the devil.
And that old guy didn't have the 24 hour news cycle and the internet.
If websites or people or certain TV shows seem to hurt your health more than help, cut that out of your life.
I'm thinking you're retired but if you have a job-
Somebody wrote in another thread, try very hard to forget that place (practice putting it totally out of your mind) until you have to go in the next day.
I know W-O-R-K has always been a 4 letter word but a lot of jobs now are the biggest time and drama suck fest of all.
Of all the thieving riffraff, fools are the worst because they steal both your time and good mood. - Goethe
Things that constantly suck both your time and emotion are the devil.
And that old guy didn't have the 24 hour news cycle and the internet.
If websites or people or certain TV shows seem to hurt your health more than help, cut that out of your life.
I'm thinking you're retired but if you have a job-
Somebody wrote in another thread, try very hard to forget that place (practice putting it totally out of your mind) until you have to go in the next day.
I know W-O-R-K has always been a 4 letter word but a lot of jobs now are the biggest time and drama suck fest of all.