This was posted on another forum I visit.. Just shaking my head

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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 18, 2010
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He wasn't replying to me, I have managed to stay out of it but this just scares the heck out of me as I know he isn't alone in his thinking.

you do understand, of course, that the National Debt increase is a function of the War in Iraq which we were mislead about, which was financed on credit by Bush/Cheney and their handlers-- only time in US history we went to war without raising taxes to finance a war, a substantial cut in taxes for the wealthy and a modest cut in taxes for the rest of us (Bush/Cheney and their Billionaire and Corporate handlers), a Republican conceived drug program for senior citizens that pays list price for drugs, unlike any other drug program in the world or the USA, (Veterans Administration gets a discount, Canada gets a huge discount -- compare their over the counter drug prices to ours) and a financial mess that happened under Bush/Cheney stewardship. The economic recovery package received some Republican support, as did the bail out of the banks. Was the economic recovery legislation wise? Seems that we have had a much more steady economic ride than Europe. Of course Randy's figures are not correlated to the GNP, the overall size of our economy. Even Randy's figures show the deficit slowing considerably since 2011.

You gun nuts are too much. What's the matter with asking someone if they own a gun if they tell a doctor that they feel like committing suicide or indicate they want to kill people? Most folks in the USA want gun ownership registered and tracked. Why not? Especially handguns or military guns that can shoot a lot of bullets fast as you can pull the trigger. Mention any kind of sane gun regulation and some folks go ballistic. Find another outlet for your eros. Or go crazy in the privacy of your house and and accept the fact that you might need to register your firearms same way we all have to register our cars.

Romney Care does penalize people who don't buy insurance. Lower income folks are subsidized. Obamacare is a Republican idea. It is conceived to be deficit neutral. In Republican governed states where the governors and legislators are doing everything possible to sabotage the program there are more problems than elsewhere. States like NY and CA have been inundated with requests. Insurance rates are going down.

If you can't tell the difference between the Washington Post and a right wing unvetted blog that makes it up. Shame on you.

Clinton left a surplus. He is a Democrat. Remember. Bush started a war (lied us into it), cut taxes for the wealthy.... and so forth, drug plan list price, economic melt down under his stewardship. Oh. Obama got Osama. Bush/Cheney stopped thinking about him. Cheney famously said, many times, deficits don't matter. Truely his administration acted that way.

This article makes sense to me.

Supply side economics, Reaganism, what George Bush the first called Voodoo Economics, accelerated the debt enormously. George the Second, returned to Voodoo Economics, which accelerated our debt again. And so forth.

Old Fart

Special Hen
Oct 29, 2008
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Oh no! What about all those unregistered cars.

The end game is to just keep blaming ex presidents.
Seem to work real well for all those cronies up there.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 19, 2010
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over yonder
Yeah, I know people like that. It scares me too. I'm afraid more people are going that way.

At the same time I think maybe enough people will get pissed off at this way of thinking that folks like this will not prevail.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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oklahoma city
he makes some valid points - supply side economics is how we began digging this hole - GW was the worst excuse for a President we ever had...then O took that spot on the bottom...the trouble now is we are looking at 16yrs of bad to worse...Clinton just got lucky, he was the sitting President when the .com boom took off, after all, hes the one that signed NAFTA into law, he committed perjury and should have done time for it. Add that 8yrs and its 24 years of bad to worse.

As to the rest of that letter - hes on the wrong page -


Special Hen
Sep 28, 2008
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he makes some valid points - supply side economics is how we began digging this hole - GW was the worst excuse for a President we ever had...then O took that spot on the bottom...the trouble now is we are looking at 16yrs of bad to worse...Clinton just got lucky, he was the sitting President when the .com boom took off, after all, hes the one that signed NAFTA into law, he committed perjury and should have done time for it. Add that 8yrs and its 24 years of bad to worse. As to the rest of that letter - hes on the wrong page -

He wasn't great by a long shot but if you think GW was the worst in our history you seriously have some gaps in American history that need to be filled...


Formerly SirROFL
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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 4, 2009
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There are instances wherein dairy cattle have effectively FORGOTTEN how to breed because we've been artificially breeding them for so long.

Most of us here could be described as "liberty minded" people, though we have an incredibly wide range of philosophies. We should all at least admit that one day when we get our way and freedom is restored there is going to be a long period of adjustment wherein a lot of people will be BEGGING for someone in some office building far away to tell them what to do and how to live. They might even become quite belligerent without someone to tell them what's what.

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