I’ve shown your quote where you said N95’s were the only mask that would protect the wearer.
You keep focusing on that . . . but ignore my clarification.
Now you are saying that any mask is good.
Where did I say this?
You said other masks “just prevent droplets from being spread via sneeze or coughing”. But I actually showed research that they actually protect the wearer too.
I said some masks are intended to protect the wearer and others are to protect those around us . . .
You said “What's the point in wearing one if you're not properly fit tested?“ But then i had research that showed even a non-fit rested N95 did a good job of protecting the wearer, so yes, there is definitely a point to wearing one even if not fit tested.
My goodness dude . . . of course wearing an N95 will provide some level of protection. But it's pretty clear that fit tests aren't something to be ignored.
It’s easy to see how your views have changed over the course of this thread. It’s just funny that you can’t admit that you were wrong initially. You’re trying to say, no, that’s what I was saying all along. It’s hilarious.
Actually, what's pretty easy to see here is you picking one or two things I've posted and taking some giant leap and running with it to fit some preconceived idea that YOU think I'm trying to make.
Yes I said N95s are the ONLY mask that provide protection. If you bothered to read other parts of what I've posted you would've seen where I clearly clarified why I focused on the N95s. But you won't. Because you want to keep pushing some idea that I've said wearing masks doesn't matter.
PPE provides protection. Properly fitted PPE provides BETTER protection. Properly fitted PPE is the PREFERRED means to protect folks.
N95s aren't the only masks that provide protection.
There. Are you happy now?