I've spent months there on jobs. BORING! I stayed in the Hooker Inn and oil painted after work.Hooker, OK (just the name makes you think)
They are the home of the Horny Toads.
I've spent months there on jobs. BORING! I stayed in the Hooker Inn and oil painted after work.Hooker, OK (just the name makes you think)
Out by Hooker, OKObviously Beaver, Ok.
Medicine Park.
The Old Plantation Restaurant| Medicine Park,OK| Steak House
The Old Plantation Restaurant with its colorful history, unique cobblestone façade, and delicious selection of Oklahoma inspired fare is being discovered by an entirely new generation of people. We hope to provide an outstanding dining experience in a unique history-rich enviroment!www.theoldplantationrestaurant.com
Slapout, Gotebo, Cleveland, St. Louis, Duke, Gould. I've been to all of em.