And NowhereOut by Hooker, OK
And NowhereOut by Hooker, OK
Slapout. Tyrone, Turpin, Straight, Hough, Floris, Little Ponderosa, etc.Hooker, beaver, felt, may, hard-I-stay. All in the panhandle. There’s a few more that you can have fun with.
Whenever someone called in for road conditions my Law Enforcement instructor Glen Jenlink, a former Alfalfa County Undersheriff always replied, "There's a big rock in the road at Gotebo." He got the biggest kick out of telling that to the class.Don't forget Gotebo
My paternal grandparents (and a few more ancestors) are buried in the cemetery at Cleveland, and we went up there for a family reunion every Memorial Day when I was a kid.Slapout, Gotebo, Cleveland, St. Louis, Duke, Gould. I've been to all of em.