Wildlife Department Proposed changes Open for Public Comments.

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Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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I take it that's the extension of rifle season, but your reasons aren't obvious to me. Could you please explain?

Sure no problem. ODWC wants more deer taken, adding 7 days to the end of rifle will make a limited impact at best imo. I would still like to see the numbers of deer taken on the first week of rifle vs the second week of rifle. Texas folks have mentioned several times on FB that the reason their company doesn't have a corporate lease in OK is because of the "short" gun season........also been said that there are some on the wildlife commission with heavy interest in outfitters and leases. The added days may or may not include public hunting areas. As retrieverman stated above there's a couple other threads with expressed views.

They are proposing as well to allow all six deer to be harvested with either a mzl or gun or combo of the two, that will result in way more deer taken imo, that is a valid idea/concept to take more deer. Adding more days for a longer lease or to book more hunters for an outfitter is only meeting the needs of those wanting to make more money. If they do both, odwc will be able to say "see, added gun days resulted in a greater harvest"...............it's like changing two variables in an experiment, it's hard to determine which variable made the impact on the final result.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Sure no problem. ODWC wants more deer taken, adding 7 days to the end of rifle will make a limited impact at best imo. I would still like to see the numbers of deer taken on the first week of rifle vs the second week of rifle. Texas folks have mentioned several times on FB that the reason their company doesn't have a corporate lease in OK is because of the "short" gun season........also been said that there are some on the wildlife commission with heavy interest in outfitters and leases. The added days may or may not include public hunting areas. As retrieverman stated above there's a couple other threads with expressed views.

https://www.wildlifedepartment.com/sites/default/files/2018 19 BGR web version.pdf

page 18. it drops off significantly the second week.


Special Hen
Jul 20, 2007
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Native Okie stuck in OMAHA
Man I hope they don't restrict cervids parts coming into the state. It will do nothing to stop the spread of CWD and I most likely will not be able get my skulls done that I harvest out of state at my favorite place.....Skulls Unlimited. World class skulls nobody can replicate them. Definitely voicing my opinion to the ODWC on that one.

As previously mentioned farm raised and live deer are MUCH more likely to cause cwd spreading but you see no talk of restricting imports on that one!


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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Man I hope they don't restrict cervids parts coming into the state. It will do nothing to stop the spread of CWD and I most likely will not be able get my skulls done that I harvest out of state at my favorite place.....Skulls Unlimited. World class skulls nobody can replicate them. Definitely voicing my opinion to the ODWC on that one.

As previously mentioned farm raised and live deer are MUCH more likely to cause cwd spreading but you see no talk of restricting imports on that one!

The cervid parts deal is ridiculous and totally unenforceable (unless the state keeps someone posted on every entrance to OK).


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
Sure no problem.
Thanks, that makes sense. I'm not a hunter, so I don't keep up with all the hunting threads, but I do care about hunting and gov't regulation, and particularly how they affect the people I know who do hunt.

Maybe it's just me, but ODWC board members having an interest in outfitters and leases seems like a bit of a conflict of interest...


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 23, 2008
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Adair County
Thank you.

Filled out the ones that applied to myself. Vague and no indication on what they might or might now allow across state lines with the CWD deal.
Actually they have indicated exactly what would be allowed and not allowed pertaining to the cwd deal. You have to click on 2020 proposal title 800 chapter 25 wildlife rules. The agenda is vague because its just a synopsis of the proposals.
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Actually they have indicated exactly what would be allowed and not allowed pertaining to the cwd deal. You have to click on 2020 proposal title 800 chapter 25 wildlife rules. The agenda is vague because its just a synopsis of the proposals.
Here it is.

SUBCHAPTER 24. IMPORT OF CERVIDS 800:25-24-1. Purpose The purpose of this Subchapter is to establish requirements for the importation of animals or specific carcass parts from the family Cervidae that will help protect Oklahoma’s native deer and elk population from the threat of chronic wasting disease (CWD). 800:25-24-3. Requirements The following restrictions apply to the importation of animals in the family Cervidae. (1) Import authorization is suspended for animals in the family Cervidae which originate from any state or Canadian province where chronic wasting disease has been identified in free-ranging native cervids. (2) In cases where the source herd originates from a state or Canadian province where CWD has not been identified, import will be granted only if the source herd is a participant in a CWD surveillance and certification program which conforms to standards described in Subchapters 11 and 47 of Title 35 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code. (A) The following relate to the importation of live cervids into Commercial Hunting areas. (1) The import of cervidae for the purpose of deposition in a Commercial Hunting area that are originating in any county or Canadian province where Chronic Wasting Disease exists in free-ranging native herds shall be prohibited, except the State Veterinarian may allow an import from a Canadian province with Chronic Wasting Disease after notification to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation and based on a review of the following factors: (a) distance of the farmed cervidae facility from the Chronic Wasting Disease area, (b) existence of double fencing between the farmed cervidae facility and free-ranging native herds, (c) farmed cervidae facility biosecurity measures, (d) participation of the farmed cervidae facility in any Canadian Chronic Wasting Disease herd certification programs, and (e) any other relevant factors, (2) All other cervidae imports into Commercial Hunting areas shall only be from a source herd that is in a Chronic Wasting Disease surveillance and certification program for a minimum of five (5) years monitored and the program 28 meets the standards of cervidae importation into Oklahoma, (3) import of cervidae into Commercial Hunting areas shall be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection and an approved Cervidae Import Permit, and (4) import of cervidae into a Commercial Hunting area shall follow all other disease testing required by the Oklahoma Statutes or rules promulgated by the Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry. (B) The following restrictions apply to the statewide importation of cervid carcasses or carcass parts (1) No person shall import, transport, or possess any cervid carcass or part of a cervid carcass from outside the boundaries of Oklahoma. The following items are the only exceptions: (a) Antlers or antlers attached to clean skull plate or cleaned skulls (all tissue removed); (b) Animal quarters containing no spinal materials or meat with all parts of the spinal column removed; (c) Cleaned teeth; (d) Finished taxidermy products; (e) Hides or tanned products.

This is on page 27 and 28 of the proposed reg changes.

https://www.wildlifedepartment.com/...sal Title 800 Chapter 25 Wildlife Rules_0.pdf


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
Reaction score
Actually they have indicated exactly what would be allowed and not allowed pertaining to the cwd deal. You have to click on 2020 proposal title 800 chapter 25 wildlife rules. The agenda is vague because its just a synopsis of the proposals.

Here it is.

SUBCHAPTER 24. IMPORT OF CERVIDS 800:25-24-1. Purpose The purpose of this Subchapter is to establish requirements for the importation of animals or specific carcass parts from the family Cervidae that will help protect Oklahoma’s native deer and elk population from the threat of chronic wasting disease (CWD). 800:25-24-3. Requirements The following restrictions apply to the importation of animals in the family Cervidae. (1) Import authorization is suspended for animals in the family Cervidae which originate from any state or Canadian province where chronic wasting disease has been identified in free-ranging native cervids. (2) In cases where the source herd originates from a state or Canadian province where CWD has not been identified, import will be granted only if the source herd is a participant in a CWD surveillance and certification program which conforms to standards described in Subchapters 11 and 47 of Title 35 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code. (A) The following relate to the importation of live cervids into Commercial Hunting areas. (1) The import of cervidae for the purpose of deposition in a Commercial Hunting area that are originating in any county or Canadian province where Chronic Wasting Disease exists in free-ranging native herds shall be prohibited, except the State Veterinarian may allow an import from a Canadian province with Chronic Wasting Disease after notification to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation and based on a review of the following factors: (a) distance of the farmed cervidae facility from the Chronic Wasting Disease area, (b) existence of double fencing between the farmed cervidae facility and free-ranging native herds, (c) farmed cervidae facility biosecurity measures, (d) participation of the farmed cervidae facility in any Canadian Chronic Wasting Disease herd certification programs, and (e) any other relevant factors, (2) All other cervidae imports into Commercial Hunting areas shall only be from a source herd that is in a Chronic Wasting Disease surveillance and certification program for a minimum of five (5) years monitored and the program 28 meets the standards of cervidae importation into Oklahoma, (3) import of cervidae into Commercial Hunting areas shall be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection and an approved Cervidae Import Permit, and (4) import of cervidae into a Commercial Hunting area shall follow all other disease testing required by the Oklahoma Statutes or rules promulgated by the Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry. (B) The following restrictions apply to the statewide importation of cervid carcasses or carcass parts (1) No person shall import, transport, or possess any cervid carcass or part of a cervid carcass from outside the boundaries of Oklahoma. The following items are the only exceptions: (a) Antlers or antlers attached to clean skull plate or cleaned skulls (all tissue removed); (b) Animal quarters containing no spinal materials or meat with all parts of the spinal column removed; (c) Cleaned teeth; (d) Finished taxidermy products; (e) Hides or tanned products.

This is on page 27 and 28 of the proposed reg changes.

https://www.wildlifedepartment.com/sites/default/files/2020 Proposal Title 800 Chapter 25 Wildlife Rules_0.pdf

I see thanks guys

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