Ron Paul for President

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Duck of Death
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Jun 28, 2008
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N36º11.90´ W95º53.29´
Paul is currently the ONLY one in the race that I would bother to draw a line on the ballot for. At the very least, he'd likely tie Congress up in a standoff, which is GOOD for America.

You think you're making a statement but you're just sounding like another paulbot on a rant. What makes you think Paul will do better or even be able tie up Congress? Because he says so? Congress has the power to override anything Paul would do or didn't do. Do you really think he can stop Congress from spending or passing laws? All we need is another nut job, moron pres to solidify the Democrat-held presidency for the next several decades. Talk about being screwed.

Being an obstructionist or isolationist is not the way to economic, geopolicital or societal health. Hell, even his son disagrees with him on many policy issues. Taking your toys home and not playing simply because RP can't and won't get the nomination is certainly up to you. Far be it from anyone to change that. But don't expect me to go home with my tail tucked.


Special Hen
Jan 15, 2009
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I agree with a lot of what he says. But he's completely off the rail on foreign policy. He basically says that Iran will leave us alone if we leave them alone. That's utterly naive, he just doesn't get (most probably) or chooses to ignore (doubtful) that their religion commands them to kill us. It would be really nice to be able to do a lot of foreign policy things that he wants to do, but he's just got this unrealistic pie in the sky belief that is completely and utterly detached from reality. Deal breaker for me...

I too at one time was sacred into believing the the war propaganda of the banker owned main stream media. I decided to do some of my own research and found out the truth. Here is a factual history lesson on our intervention with Iran.

Weather you like it or not, we are broke. The rest of the world knows this and are dumping the USD. When you study history you find that most great empires fail, not by invading forces, but by the destruction of there currency. A decade of war with "terror" has left us on the verge of ruin. I guess those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


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Jan 12, 2007
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You think you're making a statement but you're just sounding like another paulbot on a rant. What makes you think Paul will do better or even be able tie up Congress? Because he says so? Congress has the power to override anything Paul would do or didn't do. Do you really think he can stop Congress from spending or passing laws? All we need is another nut job, moron pres to solidify the Democrat-held presidency for the next several decades. Talk about being screwed.

Being an obstructionist or isolationist is not the way to economic, geopolicital or societal health. Hell, even his son disagrees with him on many policy issues. Taking your toys home and not playing simply because RP can't and won't get the nomination is certainly up to you. Far be it from anyone to change that. But don't expect me to go home with my tail tucked.

I'm not really even on the Paul bandwagon. I'm simply saying that I REFUSE to vote for any of those other losers. Every last one of them will continue down the exact same path, expecting a different result. This country is in steep decline. It doesn't matter whether it's the Republicans or Democrats in charge of the oval office or congress, we'll continue going downhill. We NEED someone who will break out of the DC Zombie Shuffle and try a different approach. Not like McCain tried to pretend he would do, but actually do it! Paul will not go after our 2A rights, nor will he sign off on it like Newt Romney would. He will go after the Fed, which is one of the greatest threats our country currently faces. If you want to keep believing it's Iran, feel free. By the time the global money mongers get done with us, there won't be anything left for Iran to pick at.

Congress can pass whatever they want and override a Paul veto. Then it's 100% on them. This is the same congress that Paul routinely votes against. This is the same Congress that has a 13% approval rating as of the last Gallup poll. If my opponent only had a 13% approval rating, I think I could focus the outrage of America on them pretty easily. the trick is not to demonize the Republican Congress, but to demonize All of Congress. Just because Paul would veto a lot of crap bills doesn't necessarily bode ill for Republicans alone.

Do you even know the difference between isolationism and non-interventionism? They're not the same you know. I'm sick and tired of EVERY president for the past 60 years treating the armed forces like their own personal crusaders. We could stand just 4-8 years of down time to rebuild and regroup. It's a LOT easier to rearm your military when you're not in the middle of a shooting war in case you didn't know. I have my Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal and Combat Action Ribbon btw, so I know what I'm talking about here.

The reform we need goes far beyond DC. It needs to start in the RNC and DNC. There needs to be a revolution in party politics more than anything else. The easiest way to ensure that doesn't happen is to keep voting for the same lesser evil dolts you've been voting for all this time. It's not just the vote itself either. You must be willing to stand up within your own party and let them know that this isn't the way. Yet you've already tucked your tail and you're on your way to the polls to give them another 4 years of EXACTLY what we've been getting, which is the shaft. Sorry that my refusal to tuck my tail and fall in line with party politics doesn't seem right to you, but your attitude is one of the very reasons this country is being screwed into the ground.

The revolution has to start somewhere. Putting it off for the next generation is just cowardly. :(


Duck of Death
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Jun 28, 2008
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N36º11.90´ W95º53.29´
... but your attitude is one of the very reasons this country is being screwed into the ground.

The revolution has to start somewhere. Putting it off for the next generation is just cowardly. :(

You don't know what my attitude is, because I haven't expressed it. Your attitude is the one of cowardice. Just because you think RP is the great messiah and all others are phucked up does not make you right.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Knewt is the guy I am pulling for!

Speak English.

Maybe you voting for him because you are looking for some type of free hand out also?

I have always heard Birds of a feather flock together!

Just Google Ron Paul racist and pork and you will find plenty.

Four posts good enough to be read again.

You don't know what my attitude is, because I haven't expressed it. Your attitude is the one of cowardice. Just because you think RP is the great messiah and all others are phucked up does not make you right.

GTG never said any of that at.

And you're right, someone's opinion doesn't prove the rest of the GOP field is phucked up. But when the GOP loses another 4 years to Obama by a decent margin, that will come closer to proving something needs to change. At least to anyone with a shred of objectivity.

Of course there are the GOP voters that will always support the most mainstreamy-ist of the mainstream republicans regardless of all other factors because anything else is akin to voting 40 times for Commiebama or whatever the hell name they have for him now. Integrity at its finest.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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Every single candidate in this race sucks rocks. I will not cast my vote for someone who I believe will cause additional damage to my country. You unpatriotic types can cast your votes for your parties or the lesser of the evils if you wish, but don't criticize those who stand for something.


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Jan 12, 2007
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You don't know what my attitude is, because I haven't expressed it. Your attitude is the one of cowardice. Just because you think RP is the great messiah and all others are phucked up does not make you right.

I very specifically don't think RP is the messiah. I fully agree that he has issues. His issues are simply in my estimation not the fatal flaws the others have. You are the one that inferred that my tail was between my legs, which it most assuredly is not. You're the one making the case for "anyone but Ron Paul", so I'm not sure how my saying "no one currently in the race but Ron Paul" makes me a paulbot or wrong. Now you appear to be all buthurt because I don't agree with you. It's appears to me that you're a RNC fanboy and don't apparently consider RP to be a good little RNC pol. I'm glad that you're so satisfied with the job the Republicans have done to date, that you're eager to vote for them. We disagree on that. Sorry if my differing opinion angers you, but that doesn't make it wrong. I've told no one that they shouldn't vote for whomever they like. I've merely expressed what I WILL DO come election time, and exactly why I will do so. You're the one that started with the personal implications, I'm merely inferring your thoughts based on the level of animosity you showed towards me and my plan. Feel free to correct me on my impression of your views, but not my views on the current state of the campaign. Particularly in telling me i'm "petty", "taking my toys home and not playing" or "tucking my tail". That will get you a response in kind! :D

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