I Nearly Lost It On FaceBook.

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Special Hen
Mar 19, 2011
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I had to share my facebook post from below along with the comments that set me off. Here's a link below to it on FB. Feel free to help me out. https://www.facebook.com/jcriley1

So, I'm really glad that police caught the loser that took part in the marathon bombing. However, I'm wondering how the people of Watertown did not see the irony in their USA USA chants and cheers after a day of being "voluntarily" removed from their homes at gunpoint to have their homes "voluntarily" searched without consent and no warrants.

4th Amendment anyone?

This was absolutely marshall law. Just wasn't called that. It happened in N.O. after Katrina and will happen anywhere else that the .gov thinks they can. The instances for which it is called will become more trivial as the sheeple become more accustomed to it. Before long, that will be our daily lives.
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Nick Long, Christal Ousley Bensch, Caitlin Grassmyer and 11 others like this.

Neal Haggard Good point!
8 hours ago via mobile · Like

Stacy Fore Well, actually I heard people that had their homes searched say that they were asked if they would mind or wanted the police to secure their home? So, in that case no warrant needed and I haven't heard one case where someone said no and the authorities forced their way in. Did I miss that story? And like all Amendments - we have exceptions to everything. Although I will stand by that if I were the guy that found him, my AR15 would have been at his head and no "exchange of gun fire" would have been needed.
8 hours ago · Like · 2

Sheri Butterworth Looney It'd definitely a very fine line!!! Bostonians and all of us should be aware that guns protect us and our homes- well except when it comes to a bomb. But my AR15 is mine and would be used to protect against this kind of nonsense and the gov forcefully taking over my home of that was the case. Why we got it in the first place!! Hand gun is always available to use. The other is for more severe actions. However, asking politely to search wouldn't bother me after something like that happened! I have the option to say no and they will respect that.
8 hours ago via mobile · Like

Jc Riley This doesn't look voluntary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=2LrbsUVSVl8

Innocent family ripped from their home at gunpoint; Police storm the property looking for terrorists
WATERTOWN, MA -- During a manhunt for a bombing suspect, police and federal agen...See More
8 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview

Jc Riley I guess if several officers point an M4 at your head and asks to search, the technically asked but who's gonna say no? I probably would but most sheeple will not.
8 hours ago · Like

Sheri Butterworth Looney Ill have to watch this!! It's one more step.... In the wrong direction
8 hours ago via mobile · Like

Jc Riley several pics too. Just look at them. All sorts of people took pics from windows and in most, there are innocents with guns pointed at them. Including aimed through windows.
8 hours ago · Like

Sheri Butterworth Looney Oh hell no. Nope. Wrong wrong wrong. I mean acting like a good American was what the guy with the boat did- not forcing their way into a home and find the guy. A good American helped them get the guy!!!!!!!!!
8 hours ago via mobile · Like

Sheri Butterworth Looney Sorry for the language. That is un-American.
8 hours ago via mobile · Like

Jc Riley ha!
8 hours ago · Like

Sheri Butterworth Looney Hehe
8 hours ago via mobile · Like

Brian Land Dont forget about the Saudi National that was questioned first. He was also on the terrorist watch list.
7 hours ago · Unlike · 1

Nathan Darnell Listen that was a terrorist amongst them who did not care who he hurt or killed. If the police came to there door and they were not willing to cooperate then the police have the right to do whatever they need to do to protect the citizens of that area. For all they new they could have been hiding and helping that terrorist. I say good job to the police. They were doing there job. Let me also remind u that a lot of police are former soldiers that have been over seas fighting for u and I and our freedom and when they see something like this it reminds them of why they do what they do and why they defended our country. A REAL AMERICAN would have opened there door food them and let them do there job and if u were doing there job and u are a REAL AMERICAN then u would have done the same thing.
7 hours ago via mobile · Like

Mary Claffey The people of the Boston area didnt mind the voluntary lockdown...they were glad to help catch these men...I dont want to see this continue in our country again. God bless the other states that sent via FB and other internet sites that they were all Praying and showing that they cared.
6 hours ago · Like

Jc Riley I don't think I'd take such exception to the lock down. It's the asking people at gun point to voluntarily let them search their home that freaks me out.
6 hours ago · Like

Jc Riley Nathan Darnell you say "If the police came to there door and they were not willing to cooperate then the police have the right to do whatever they need to do to protect the citizens of that area." That is TOTALLY WRONG. They do NOT have the right to do whatever they need to do to protect the citizens of an area. Who decides what's "needed to do"? Maybe they decide they need to take your firearms because it's to "protect the citizens of the area". That's about as un-American of a statement as I have ever heard. It's that sort of thing that forced the establishment of this country. Now we're willing to give up all of our rights and freedoms those soldiers you talked about are fighting for so that you can have the illusion of safety? Things have to be done differently on home soil and when dealing with our own citizens. It may make their job tougher but that's what also makes us the United States of America.
6 hours ago · Like · 1

Sheri Butterworth Looney I listened to a guy say only men (and women) in uniform should be allowed to have assault rifles- now I love the military- God bless them!!! But that is the government and government should not be the only ones packing.
6 hours ago via mobile · Like

Kasondra Claffey The only people "forced" from their homes were the houses surrounding the house they found the guy at because they didn't know If he had explosives on him in the boat. We watched it all live on the news. Police were carrying kids from the scene. And it's a difference of opinion apparently because if a terrorist is running around your neighborhood throwing bombs and grenades all over who is going to sanely turn down a search of their property? I know people who live in Watertown and no one had the police "invade" their home like that in that video.
6 hours ago via mobile · Like

Sheri Butterworth Looney And I know we would all clothe feed and take care of our soldiers and uniformed officers if they needed it. That is the right thing to do. That's being a good human being. But they weren't there for food or clothes. All Bostonians were being great Americans! Everyone was on the lookout. Americans shouldn't be made to look like they are hiding a terrorist either. Over all, America won. But we lose when a rifle is pointed at our face. Shouldn't let that ball go rolling ya know?
6 hours ago via mobile · Like

Sheri Butterworth Looney I guess this is an isolated incident. I would welcome them in my home- I wouldn't be harboring a terrorist! But they didn't know and had to cover every place I know. but this type of enforcement was a bit too dramatic I think.
6 hours ago via mobile · Like

Kasondra Claffey And the entire city of Boston cheered for the police who you say "violated out rights". Check out THOSE YouTube videos... Thousands of people in the streets singing the national anthem after they took the guy into custody.
6 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1

Nathan Darnell So if that Guy would have blew up someone home because they would not let the police search there home what would u say then. That is the power that we trust in our police and our government to search for a terrorist there is a big difference between searching your home because u are in danger than searching your home because u have something u are not supposed to have. I don't think they should take our guns either but I do think they have every right to come into our homes to protect us. That is there job to PROTECT AND SERVE THE CITIZENS OF THERE CITY. And as a veteran I stand beside them 100%
6 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2

Jc Riley Kasondra Claffey, I guess since it was only some people forced from their homes and not everyone, then it's okay? Also, not everyone was forced to evacuate. Many more were subject to forced unwarranted searches. You are correct that I may allow it if it were in my neighborhood but doesn't look like I'd have a choice. However, believe it or not, we have TVs in Oklahoma too and I also watched. As well as getting online police scanner info 5-10 minutes before news stations reported it.
5 hours ago · Like

Jc Riley Just because people cheered the ones who violated their rights means nothing. It only shows that they did not know better. This is a place that gave up individual rights long ago. I guess Kim Juong Un is a pretty good guy too. I mean, the people of North Korea idolize him and worship him. I've seen the video. They must be a free society.
5 hours ago · Like

Jc Riley I also hope this guy dies a slow and painful death. AFTER given a fair trial. However, even though he's a US citizen, he was not mirandized. Don't get me wrong. I don't think this guy deserves to be treated fairly. But, when we let the .gov decide which citizens do and do not get the rights afforded to us, then it's a slope that can landslide quickly.
5 hours ago · Like


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2011
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lol... So much butthurt concerning people you don't know in a situation you haven't experienced...

You're right that I didn't experience it. Maybe nobody should complain until it happens to them.

As for not knowing them. WRONG!!!! I do know some. That's where my mother is from.

Please don't hold that against me. I was born here in OK.


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Feb 25, 2008
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I've been using this clip from The Seige on several FB posts. It was a great movie when it came out just from an entertainment side of things, but its becoming a pretty good foreshadowing device.

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Special Hen Administrator Moderator Supporter
Mar 15, 2009
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hi've mentioned this to a few people and the y look at me like i'm crazy. that bein g said, i would have probably allowed them in my house to facilitate. buuuut, you are correct. if martial law is not declared or they don't have a search warrant, then you are voluntarily forfeiting your constitutional rights. i suppose the word "voluntarily" is the key here. the frightening part is that it sets a precedent. anytime a crazy is on the loose, the law can lock you in your home and search property door to door


Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
People deserve the government they have. Enjoy the new norm imposed by the PTB and the men and women in blue who only are doing as they are told like obedient lapdogs. Looking forward to reading about those cops who refused to participate in this. I think I'll be waiting a long, long time...

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