O. S. U.

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Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
I'm pretty sure low-character means the guys who failed drug tests, didn't go to class, got into trouble in their private lives, and were quitters.
Every team has them and they are a cancer. If coach doesn't cut that cancer out it spreads to the rest of the team.
Several of the sources' were booted from the team and a couple quit on their own.
Now every school has them.
All that is required is a reporter, with an agenda, to find them and tell 'their story'
Yes they're everywhere.


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2011
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One thing Aso Pogi said was that only "low character" players were saying these things. If OSU were clean why did they have low character players? Also, wouldn't anyone that took or offered money, drugs, or sex to a player be low character? Everyone that knew and kept quiet all these years would be low character.

NCAA football has character problems that are a result of greed and the large amounts of money that is generated by the game. How can anyone say that any football coach deserves 4 million a year? I understand the business side of football. I don't say the coaches should not ask for or accept as much as they can get.

If you watch the video of the writers they are clear that no one should have too much adulation for the program they are fans of. They know it isn't only OSU.

There are low character people everywhere, yes, even on OSA.

low character = people who were kicked off the team and suffered other repercussions during their stay at OSU from their multiple run ins with the law or breaking school rules. some of these "credible sources" have even been in jail for breaking the law. the high character players are defending the people's names who have been drug through the mud, and the ones who were "interviewed" are reporting that the quotes used were taken completely out of context. it sounds more and more like a targeted smear campaign.


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
Reaction score
The Nations
I've suspected this for years, T Boone comes in throwing money around, apparently others were throwing money too. I wonder just how many victories were bought.
Boone pumps in a third of a billion dollars and $100 is all Joe could pay for a sack?

Edit: *%$#ing spell correct on this tablet
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Special Hen
Sep 28, 2008
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One of the players quoted in the article was Aso Pogi. Here is what he has to say about it.


If this accurate then probably all of the interviews happened this way.

Well, see that's the thing.
I'm not sure that this isn't really meant to be an attack on Les Miles rather than OSU. LSU is certainly a better team and program than OSU.

I see. I guess that's plausible but I don't think it's probable. That's an interesting thought though. The entire thing is totally popcorn worthy.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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SI had better hope they have some hard evidence other than some disgruntled, troubled, former players telling stories of improprieties. The guys highlighted in the "investigation" have very little credibility while in response to this article, many of the most upstanding OSU alumni are coming out disputing the allegations as flat out lies. Add to that accusing deceased players shows the depths to which this witch hunt is willing to go.

If after a full REAL investigation by OSU jointly with the NCAA, these claims turn out to be falsified, SI will be hit with a large libel lawsuit. It's just a shame though because the damage has already been done and will hang in people's mind even if OSU is vindicated of most of these allegations.

Looks to me so far with phase 1 to be a total hack job as buickfreak indicated. Maybe some hard proof will come out in the coming days but so long as they are relying on the stories of disgruntled players that have a chip on their shoulder, OSU will be fine. If we are talking one group of players stories vs another group of players stories, I will lend much more credibility to the FCA/successful players over the drug using thugs that were booted from the program for being problem players.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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I finally got a a chance to read the article.what a load of crap. As a journalist, I am ashamed that this is even being printed. One guy being used as evidence admitted to clocking in and hiding. That is not a no show job, its a dipthong ditching his job. And the contractors have said that they found out about it and did not pay them. This story is sofull of holes, it is riduclous. Lets see, the onlyboosters they named are either dead or not wealthy enoughto be able to afford a lawsuit. Interesting.

That said, I can certainly see a fan giving a $100 handshake during the player walk to the stadium. That does not fall under institutional control, that is up to the player, and that is speaks volumes about their credibility. They slam several players that are dead. I mean really. This is hack journalism 101 stuff. I am sure some stuff happened that should not have. If a person hires you to pick up some leaves and overpays, that is marginal at best. SI is going to get sued so hard, it is not even funny. Boosters paying 3rd string pine riders? Um, no.

I do think there are grains of truth in there, but nothing thst the university was involved with. Deforest liked flirting with coeds, I have heard those stories, so there may be something there. But this is really just an attempt to smear osu from a known ou homer and dorhmand, who has been making disparaging remarks about stillwater in general. Please forgive any typos, my tablet keyboard is not great.

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