Rancher in Nevada being harassed by the FEDS and confiscating his cattle

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Special Hen
Apr 15, 2010
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Guthrie OK
OK ... I looked around ... He's lost his case in court ... He needs to get gone. Not saying the .feds have handled this appropriately, but then again all these "activists" aren't exactly blameless in all this either ...

Everybody needs to sit the **** down, shut the **** up, get out the court order and look it over again. If Mr. Bundy does not wish to comply with the court order then he needs to get a restraining order against the feds in order to continue grazing while in litigation. If he has pursued this as far as he wishes to go, then he needs to comply with the court order.

Yes, it is that cut and dried, folks ...

If it was that cut and dried the Governor of Nevada would not be waiting on phone calls from the Director of the BLM just about every day for the last 4 years... nor would the Farm lobbies and other concerned people in the West be spending a lot of money trying to get land inside the borders of their states out of federal control.

Court cases were tried after the Civil War to the turn of the Century. Illinios and Indiana both won over 90% of their land back by suit. This is not 'New'.

BTW.... oil and gas exploration is starting to boom here.. lot's of work on patches of private land. But since the territory in Nevada is only 20% private owned it's a lock your gonna have to go through the feds to get permits here.

Oklahoma is about 95-97% deeded private land... as is Texas and Kansas. Be glad "they" never fenced you in and you did that fencing around what you claimed bought or earned.


Special Hen
Apr 15, 2010
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Guthrie OK
I don't personally have a problem with selling a bunch of federal land like this to the states or private parties but it seems most folks in the areas do.

LOL...you betcha we do. It's never been the Federal Goverments to sell. This land should be transfered... and the people of the state it's in should benefit from any revenue it generates. The legals were proved in court case years ago... several midwestern states already beat the feds in court over this very thing before 1900.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
I live out here. The issue is... and you should be concerned... why DO you in Oklahoma pay for the Federal Government to "manage" a bunch of fire roads on millions of acres of land local government has no revenue from. Dot Gov controls oil and mineral leasing , grazing and recreation on all this land. No body "owns" it to pay taxes on it.

During westward expansion... many states were "owned" by the feds until they sued for local control of the land in those states... at one time Illinois and Indiana were 90% federal land. They sued... now the state has land and the state sold surplus thats now taxable private land that produces equity for citizens and income for farms, etc.

So "sending the county a check" is not the way this works. Up to, 94 this rancher was paying BLM grazing fees to the feds for (IIRC 2000 head on 10,000 acres)...in 94 the BLM cut his head count to 500... Bundy stopped paying.
His family has been free ranging this area since about 1860 .... if the State or County owned this land he'd pay them... since the Feds cut the head count to 500 it makes no sense to go broke paying for 500 cows that never bothered a turtle anyway.

The BLM you pay for to maintain land we have no way to generate revenue on is the issue here. Now if you thought NASA'a $5000 claw hammer was a scam... you're paying for people to ride fire roads and fix barbed wire on places we can't even ride a horse across anymore. If the State owned it... we could pay a park fee or they could lease it for oil and mineral exploration and we'd be paying and benefiting from it. As it is YOU pay and nobody really gets any use and a lot of headaches if you qualify.

You do know that you pay to keep up 80% of Nevada and about 50% of California thats under BLM control right now... and pretty big chunk of NM, AZ Idaho Wyo and Montana.... and those grazing fees and use permits come no where close to what it costs to control it... YOU make that up in your taxes.
Finally... gov.com is out here rounding up 500 cows more or less and spending over $1000,000 to do it. 10 good cowboys could find these beeves in a week for $2000 and grocieries.

This is States Rights. A problem Texas and Oklahoma don't have since you don't have to deal with the BLM.

The State out here (and 7 other states in the region) have been fighting the BLM over this for years.

Let me add a point to this. Jeff, you are exactly correct that BLM has a crap ton of acres. Also, the oil companies would dearly love to get to drill about a gazillion wells on a decent portion of it. Pretty much the entire length of the Rockies. When the BLM sells leases they get paid a royalty on all the oil and gas produced just like one of us would. Also when you hear one the dimwitocrat drones state the they have gotten tough with the O&G companies and say "we told them to drill it or lose it". Just laugh, because that's just how it works. It always has worked this way and they haven't done a damn thing. Leases are typically 5 years. The oil companies pay for the lease when they get it. 5 years later if they don't drill AND produce it goes byebye and nobody gets paid back their money. That's no different than it ever has been in the history of drilling.

Folks, let me say it again... The O&G companies would dearly love to get into these areas. Why? Simple. There are huge amounts of oil & gas there. The royalties that would be paid to the .gov would make your head spin. Add in all the jobs that would generate income and sales taxes and it's truly mind boggling. As it stands now, the O&G companies will only bother with BLM if they know it's an especially "juicy" opportunity. It's just too much of a pain in the ass to deal with otherwise. Ask yourself why that is the next time it costs you $3.50 per gallon to fill your tank...


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
LOL...you betcha we do. It's never been the Federal Goverments to sell. This land should be transfered... and the people of the state it's in should benefit from any revenue it generates. The legals were proved in court case years ago... several midwestern states already beat the feds in court over this very thing before 1900.
I'm good with that too.
Good luck with your court cases.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
which Is why I didn't post the link to the article because the site is all fracking is bad bla bla bla. the last blurb that I posted is straight from the BLMs website though.

If all these fines are legit and he owes all this money then why haven't the feds garnished his bank accounts? IDK? Maybe they have liens on his stuff instead? Regardless, the show of force and assaults on the people is disgusting. I'm honestly surprised no one has been shot yet.

We're on the same page. I pointed out earlier that BLM has "let it ride" for 21 or so years. I'd that the local BLM officials knew he wasn't hurting anything and if truth be known was probably saving BLM some money in some manner or another. Probably someone higher up and out of D.C. said to take action and now we got all this going on.

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