When the Militia heads to the Red River BLM showdown, Reddog WILL be there.

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Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Good reading for anyone who cares to go deeper than "F the BLM, lets go shoot some Feds!":

This one is has some good points that allude to tribal land in the area (which the BLM already managed/manages): http://commdocs.house.gov/committees/judiciary/hju63863.000/hju63863_0f.htm

I've yet to find a copy of Mr. Henderson's original court case, which was originally him against another land owner (tribal?), not the BLM, but I'll keep looking. Google is full of "BLM STOLE TEXAS RANCHER'S LAND"...kind of hard to find real facts right now.

BLM is not attempting to "seize" 90,000 acres along the red river, it appears they already manage it, and they managed it prior to the Compact. At issue is their plan to reconsider the management plan for it and potentially close it to public use or expand public use which would create some access issues? Big difference: http://thornberry.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=377014

This is kinda like all the early reports from the Bundy deal where people were screaming that the BLM stole the land from him which turned out to be false. Then they said it was originally state land and BLM stole the land from the state, also false....

I'm down with bashing the feds, but I'd like to stick to facts.
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Elm Creek Smith

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Jan 11, 2014
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Out in the county
They'llpr obably call up the national guard

That would be a mistake because the President can order the National Guard to active duty, Federalizing them. That's what happened in Little Rock, AR, when Governor Orval Faubus used the National Guard to prevent the desegregation of Central High School. President Eisenhower sent troops from the 101st Airborne Division to protect the "Little Rock 9" and the Federal Marshals escorting them, and he ordered the National Guard to Federal control reporting to the 101st. So the National Guard troops ordered to prevent desegregation ended up protecting the integration effort.


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Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
Then why are you beating your chest about going down there to participate in a "showdown"? What do you know about the case? Have you read the Compact? Have you read the court documents surrounding the case where Henderson "lost" his land? Did you know that some of the land in question is tribal land that may or may not have been properly deeded to other parties, or "stolen", as some are quick to blame the BLM of doing.

All I'm saying is, loose talk about "showdowns" is almost always hot air. Why didn't you go to the Bundy ranch man? Put your money where your mouth is what I'm saying...You and others have been on here ranting about facing down the man for years. You had a perfect opportunity present itself but I didn't see you hiding in the bushes or parked on an over-pass.

Promising to go down to some event that isn't even occurring yet (an event that is being played up by certain people, like Gov. Perry, in order to fill their campaign coffers and work on another political campaign) just because you read some sh#t on infowars is not fighting the man or opposing tyranny.

I'm the first to admit I don't know everything about the case...certainly not enough to pack up my AR and roll down there.

Check out the Constitution and what it says about compacts between states.

I think these things have to happen in a localized fashion. NV and UT, maybe other neighboring states had this handled. Do you think otherwise? Why would we drive 1000 miles when they "got this"? TX won't need our help either, Christ they have more population than NV, UT, WY and MT combined and just as many patriots and guns BUT its the red river an that hits close to home for most (I hope all) Okies.
I would go in. Heartbeat if they needed help north of the river. And that sir, is not just hot air. I would in fact die for my freedom [movement] if it came to it. Unfortunately as history has taught us, many will die before freedom wins but the payoff is the common motivator. (Unless your higg)

Sent from outer space or somewhere from my mobile device


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2007
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tilling subprep's cornfield
That would be a mistake because the President can order the National Guard to active duty, Federalizing them. That's what happened in Little Rock, AR, when Governor Orval Faubus used the National Guard to prevent the desegregation of Central High School. President Eisenhower sent troops from the 101st Airborne Division to protect the "Little Rock 9" and the Federal Marshals escorting them, and he ordered the National Guard to Federal control reporting to the 101st. So the National Guard troops ordered to prevent desegregation ended up protecting the integration effort.

This is Obama that we are talking about... he isn't going to do anything that will jeopardize his morning tee time.


Jul 4, 2006
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good thing George Washington isn't president, there would be a TON of feds down there... he didn't put up with people evading taxes...

Militia was called up from New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, and eastern Pennsylvania. The federalized militia force of 12,950 men was a large army by American standards of the time: the army that had been with Washington during the Revolutionary War had often been smaller.[88] Because relatively few men volunteered for militia service, a draft was used to fill out the ranks

Washington stated "not to abet, aid, or comfort the Insurgents aforesaid, as they will answer the contrary at their peril."
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