When the Militia heads to the Red River BLM showdown, Reddog WILL be there.

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Special Hen
Apr 1, 2009
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FEMA Reigion 6 Broken Arrow
Then why are you beating your chest about going down there to participate in a "showdown"? What do you know about the case? Have you read the Compact? Have you read the court documents surrounding the case where Henderson "lost" his land? Did you know that some of the land in question is tribal land that may or may not have been properly deeded to other parties, or "stolen", as some are quick to blame the BLM of doing.

All I'm saying is, loose talk about "showdowns" is almost always hot air. Why didn't you go to the Bundy ranch man? Put your money where your mouth is what I'm saying...You and others have been on here ranting about facing down the man for years. You had a perfect opportunity present itself but I didn't see you hiding in the bushes or parked on an over-pass.

Promising to go down to some event that isn't even occurring yet (an event that is being played up by certain people, like Gov. Perry, in order to fill their campaign coffers and work on another political campaign) just because you read some sh#t on infowars is not fighting the man or opposing tyranny.

I'm the first to admit I don't know everything about the case...certainly not enough to pack up my AR and roll down there.

Check out the Constitution and what it says about compacts between states.

Who cares, stay home and play with your barbies then.

I think these things have to happen in a localized fashion. NV and UT, maybe other neighboring states had this handled. Do you think otherwise? Why would we drive 1000 miles when they "got this"? TX won't need our help either, Christ they have more population than NV, UT, WY and MT combined and just as many patriots and guns BUT its the red river an that hits close to home for most (I hope all) Okies.
I would go in. Heartbeat if they needed help north of the river. And that sir, is not just hot air. I would in fact die for my freedom [movement] if it came to it. Unfortunately as history has taught us, many will die before freedom wins but the payoff is the common motivator. (Unless your higg)

Sent from outer space or somewhere from my mobile device

Right on!!

SMS couldn't bring schit to an outhouse.

Sent from outer space or somewhere from my mobile device

Right on AGAIN!!!!!


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Check out the Constitution and what it says about compacts between states.

Man I hate to quote Wiki, but they just keep explaining it easiest!

I understand Article I, Section 10, But...There are two sides to this.

Regarding the Constitution of the United States, the compact theory holds that the nation was formed through a compact agreed upon by all the states, and that the federal government is thus a creation of the states.[citation needed] Consequently, states should be the final arbiters over whether the federal government had overstepped the limits of its authority as set forth in the compact.

The link also states the flip side.

I'm just saying that the political winds seem to be blowing in "States Rights" direction right now and that there has been all kinds of wrong decisions in courts from SCOTUS on down, in state courts, legislation, etc. I don't get a warm and fuzzy relying on prior precedent in adjudicating the rights of all in a fair manner. That's what I was referring to with FUBAR in my prior post. Every day when I read a warranty deed I have to keep in mind the Duhig rule. It's a court precedent that is the "law of the land" and I have to follow it even though I'm all but certain the court's decision got the intent of the Grantor of the deed wrong. Even though there was a logical reasoning for the decision, it boils down to the intent of the grantor and they found a way to go against it.

I don't really know what the answer is in the OK/TX case, but I sure hope that Texas doesn't just roll over for the feds unless there is solid ground that jives with the intents of the founders. And I would damn well hope that Oklahoma backs Texas up in that regard instead of trying to horn in on a possible land grab. This crap of "if the river moves south the line moves, but when it moves back north it doesn't" is kindergartner grade stuff IMO. That's if it's even true, I haven't had time to do much looking for the basis of that but I keep hearing it repeated by the talking heads.
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Special Hen
Mar 6, 2011
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You all make me laugh..
You know you live in a good country when THIS is your biggest problem. Bunch of spoiled brats if you ask me "no one did."
If only everyone would arm up against hunger or domestic violence or something worthwhile.
Have fun setting the south back a couple decades..


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Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
I was answering your question why Congress was involved. Clause 3 is pretty clear and to the point:

No State shall, without the Consent of Congress...enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power...

Congress didn't dream this whole thing up themselves, nor did the BLM. There were 5 governments involved; the State of Texas, the State of Oklahoma, three sovereign tribes, and the federal government.


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Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
(And a huge friggin' LOFL to the "We didn't go cuz they didn't need our help, but if they come closer so I don't have to drive so far then they're really gonna get it!")

I love you guys, I really do. I'd like to drink a beer or ten with you but damn. Listen to yourselves.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
I was answering your question why Congress was involved. Clause 3 is pretty clear and to the point:

Congress didn't dream this whole thing up themselves, nor did the BLM. There were 5 governments involved; the State of Texas, the State of Oklahoma, three sovereign tribes, and the federal government.

Oh I'm not arguing with you. If you go read the link you posted it seems pretty clear that the BLM doesn't have much of a case and is brainstorming trying to grab it based on precedence that in all likelihood was wrong. I edited my last post while you were posting. Check it out.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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You all make me laugh..
You know you live in a good country when THIS is your biggest problem. Bunch of spoiled brats if you ask me "no one did."
If only everyone would arm up against hunger or domestic violence or something worthwhile.
Have fun setting the south back a couple decades..

+ 1,000,000

Why don't we tackle real problems that impact people's daily lives, rather than a dystopian fantasy?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
+ 1,000,000

Why don't we tackle real problems that impact people's daily lives, rather than a dystopian fantasy?

How do we do that when the .gov takes about half or more of what we get? Isn't that what that half or more is for? :scratch:

If we could just have our half back we could do it. The .gov has failed epicly...
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