Afghan Child Sexual Abuse Ignored by US Military

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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I can't assume to speak for him, but I THINK the point he is trying to make is that at one time we considered homosexuality to be in the same boat as pedophilia, and now it has become acceptable. Might the same thing happen with pedophilia if we are turning a blind eye to it in our external pursuits?

Kind of a ridiculous statement or assumption. Pedophilia, rape, etc.... has nothing to do with gay or straight.


Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
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Kind of a ridiculous statement or assumption. Pedophilia, rape, etc.... has nothing to do with gay or straight.

Well, no matter what, I think we can all agree that this is pretty horrible, and commands to ignore it fly in the face of the values we wish to see our Armed Forces represent.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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In my time out there I definitely saw a lot of guys loving on other guys, but none of his boy loving crap. Nor did I hear of it. I'm not saying it's right or that it didn't happen. I'm just a guy, and was just a Marine there to accomplish a mission. I feel that punishing and accusing Marines and soldiers for turning a blind eye to something they weren't even there for is a bit wrong. Just cause someone is in the same area as something doesn't mean they have complete control over everything. I mean, what's next.... Cops are rapist enablers because they drove past a house where someone was being raped without going door to door asking if anyone was planning on raping someone?

WTH are you talking about? They're punishing troops for stopping the molestation and rape!!!

I just can't fathom this whole culture... they want to control women, make Islam the world religion and the judicial system based on Sharia law, and yet they diddle little boys (OR girls) on a widespread scale?

I understand it is hypocritical - but damn... seems like they should be strung up in the streets by their own guards. I dunno. Just a sick and twisted affair.

And I agree that gays/lesbians by and large have nothing to do with this.

Fixed it for you. :(

Reminds me of the Prime Directive from Star Trek. No outside interference from alien life forms.

I don't agree with what's going on, but I know where they're coming from. I've been to many military in-briefings where local culture practice is explained and what we could and could not do. We were ordered not to interfere with anything that involved those cultures practices and we were not allowed to participate in any that were not the norm for U.S. Military. The way it was explained to us was that if we offended the host country it could cause an "international incident" and we could be arrested or expelled from that host country.

If they're raping little boys and the locals don't want our allied forces raping little boys, then they deserve an international incident! :mad:

Dear Representative / Senator ______________________

I write in reference to an appalling article in the NY Times detailing the U.S. military policy of ignoring and passively protecting child rapists in Afghanistan. Further there was been punishment meted out by the U.S. military to U.S. officers who acted to protect Afghan children.

By giving pedophiles power and then refusing to interfere with the resultant increase in child rape and passively protecting the pedophile, the U.S. military command and the U.S. govt is culpable. There is no true "neutrality" in this situation, cultural or otherwise.

There are moral absolutes and child rape and the toleration of it are both absolutely wrong. There needs to be reckoning for those who ordered otherwise.

I suggest the noted modification. Thanks for making that, because I'll be using it!


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Well, no matter what, I think we can all agree that this is pretty horrible, and commands to ignore it fly in the face of the values we wish to see our Armed Forces represent.

Should go without saying. But it's completely asisnine to infer that it's allowed by our military because we don't hang the gays in the streets.


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
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LTown to the Lst
The highly religious Taliban and Al Quaeda do the same things. I'm thinking when they are promised virgins for martyrdom they are actually virgin boys. It is a cultural norm there. Women are only for birthing children. Little boys are what the men really want.

Since the Roman times.
Doesn't make it right
I thought the virgins might be all the ones left.........the not so desirable...

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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I can't assume to speak for him, but I THINK the point he is trying to make is that at one time we considered homosexuality to be in the same boat as pedophilia, and now it has become acceptable. Might the same thing happen with pedophilia if we are turning a blind eye to it in our external pursuits?

You and Hoddy are like Lloyd and Harry.

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