Defense Distributed Founder Charged With Sex Crime

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Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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You'd think people were smart enough, but it happens all the time. Consider our esteemed senator shorty.

I'm not trying to defend him but the fact is the kid was 17 and what he did was not so different than what a great many teachers across the country are doing yet there's not near the coverage and outrage, why because of the political issues maybe?


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I'm not trying to defend him but the fact is the kid was 17 and what he did was not so different than what a great many teachers across the country are doing yet there's not near the coverage and outrage, why because of the political issues maybe?
Absolutely, but that's still not a defense against prosecution. Even if she is 17 and not 15 or 16 (reports vary), he still faces a couple of different charges related to prostitution and possible online solicitation of a minor.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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Well it's one thing for a college freshman to use SugarDaddyMeet in order to exchange her time for college tuition in lieu of student loans. It's another thing entirely for a high school freshman to use it for whatever teenage HS girls want money for. :(

Ok but that's on the girl not the website. Last year or so there was an issue with high school girls (in Edmond I think) turning tricks and living large with nice clothes and even cars were mentioned. In that case of course the girls were excused of all blame for their willingness to do that, none of them were held hostage, they did what they wanted to get what they wanted.
We can see societal results of granting more freedom yet raising the age of responsibility and accountability which some would contend is closely linked to or the result of progressive ideology. We see it in lifestyles and issues related to family structure, parental control, drinking, drugs, sex, teen pregnancy, STDs, crime, etc. which puts the cost on society as a whole for the benefit of one class.
It would seem as a society we may be at a point that needs reevaluated concerning youth, freedom, responsibility, and accountability for one's decisions and actions.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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Absolutely, but that's still not a defense against prosecution. Even if she is 17 and not 15 or 16 (reports vary), he still faces a couple of different charges related to prostitution and possible online solicitation of a minor.

Just for clarification do you realize I was speaking of the Senator not the gun guy right?
Again as I said I was not presenting any defense just noting how situations that are virtually the same are treated very differently for what seem to very possibly be ideological/political reasons.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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"Require" in the sense of "Click here to verify you're over 18."

Another thought, if this is really all about "child" safety will sugardaddy be vilified in the media or even seized by the Gov. like backpage was for allowing minors to be trafficked on their site? Also how many priest have been arrested and where is the outrage over all the child sex involving a church that runs a heavily tax payer funded ministry that often gets vulnerable kids handed over to them?
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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
So what's the issue with sugardaddy, college girls across the country are using it to help pay for school and have the lifestyle they can't afford on their own. Most of our society agrees with young people having the life they can't afford either through school loan money backed by the taxpayers, their parents supporting them, or the welfare breeder bonuses paid by the public. Why is a girl deciding to sell her assets(as opposed to just giving them away) different than working otherwise except of course she can't make as much as easily? And why is it worse than making her way at the expense of others through redistribution of wealth which is often involuntary or coerced out of those paying for it?
As for him being more in the wrong are you saying the person buying sex is more guilty than the person selling it?

Well it's one thing for a college freshman to use SugarDaddyMeet in order to exchange her time for college tuition in lieu of student loans. It's another thing entirely for a high school freshman to use it for whatever teenage HS girls want money for. :(

What Glocktogo said. Plus, the perp in this case is more likely the dude, and with some dudes these days, they want the youngest girls they can find, so looking at such a website is a clue, perhaps to his mentality. A website like SugarDaddyMeet could easily be used by an underage girl just as easily as an older guy.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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What Glocktogo said. Plus, the perp in this case is more likely the dude, and with some dudes these days, they want the youngest girls they can find, so looking at such a website is a clue, perhaps to his mentality. A website like SugarDaddyMeet could easily be used by an underage girl just as easily as an older guy.

The primary aspect of a sugardaddy is about money not age.

Yeah some guys like younger girls because let's face it youth is attractive, many girls like older guys due to their better provider/assets angle, aside from the physical/emotional/psychological issues often present in both some science contends there's also an evolutionary function involved in both. Also neither was considered "wrong" until very recently and now only one is mainly because of changing cultural norms along with as many things ideology/politics.

Until around the start of the 19th. century the age of consent was around 12-14 in most states with some even younger. That was common throughout the world since ancient times and marriages with wide age differences were common because males had to establish themselves before marriage while women were ready around puberty. So considering being attracted to younger girls(above puberty) "abnormal" or "unnatural" along with all the other labels would seem to be uninformed, judgemental, and biased because the reality is it used to be common but is just no longer culturally or legally acceptable.
And while things are decidedly different now there's also a lot of variables as well as BS around the subject and the outrage used at times as well as the double standards and "newspeak" used to demonize the issue is often misleading if not fraudulent.
As to the case at hand we don't know what the girl looks like and since many 16yr.old girls look 18-20 and also play their looks to appear older it's not a given that he should have known she was a minor. And we also don't know other details like those already mentioned about fake IDs so to assume he knew she was, or he was was hunting a minor are biased, judgemental speculation at best.

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