Jeffrey Epstein Arrested for Sex Trafficking of Minors

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Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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So, Epstein is under incitement for operating a Sex Trafficking Ring? It doesn’t seem rational for him to engage in that kind of criminal enterprise because he certainly doesn’t need the money
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Was it rational for Hillary to be running a sex trafficking ring from a pizza parlor? She had hundreds of millions of dollars stolen from the public, but she had her tendrils sunk into sex trafficking anyway. Was it rational?
Of course not, but she did it anyway.

As for Epstein, he didn't do it for money. He did it for sex. If you have a large pool of girls being circulate among your rich friends, you can dip into it yourself. Sex: it's just not rational anymore.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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My biggest problem with this whole mess is how politics have played such a huge role, and continues to do so. Let's break this down honestly for a change of pace:

A prosecutor appointed by George W. Bush not once, not twice, not three times but FOUR TIMES, gave a “sweetheart deal” that included a felony guilty plea, jail time, victim restitution* and registering as a sex offender, to a powerful political operative with NO PRIOR CRIMINAL HISTORY, while working in the Bush Administration DoJ in 2008, but its Trump’s fault? Keep in mind Acosta was nominated to his current post on the recommendation of an appointee who served in both the Bush and Obama Administrations before Trump.

Oh and BTW, Obama was in office for 8 years and no one seemed to care that a powerful political ally and personal friend of the Clintons “got off” with a “sweetheart deal” for all that time. I mean it's not like there was international press coverage of the scandal back then right? oh... Wait...
Now that Trump looks to survive an attempted coup by Democrats, “his” political appointee not doing a good enough job while he was working for Bush is another Trump scandal?

Let's not forget that there have literally been dozens of M.E.D.I.A. articles about Epstein with Trump's picture above the fold and which glancingly mention his ties to Clinton while highlighting Trump's ties to him, replete with denials, dismissals and mistruths by Clinton spokespersons. USA Today went so far as to blatantly mislead readers about Trump's association with Epstein:
In addition to being fellow residents of Palm Beach – where Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property is located – the president and Epstein socialized together before Trump’s 2016 election.

Yeah, I guess technically Trump saying something mildly positive about Epstein 17 years ago, before banning him from all Trump properties in 2008 and not one shred of evidence they had any contact in over a decade is "socializing together before the 2016 election? :rolleyes2

If you listen to the M.E.D.I.A. today, Acosta raped those girls harder than Epstein did. Why? Because Trump hired him to be the Sec. of Labor and Trump isn't getting impeached after all over Russia. The real truth? The left has suddenly and miraculously decided that after over a decade of ignoring them, Epstein's victims are a critical national issue, all because they can be used to take down Trump. If that means that the now useless and politically radioactive Bill Clinton, once the left's darling hero has to be sacrificed for that cause, then so be it.

* Oh and about that "secret" deal Epstein got that was withheld from his victims? How can it be a secret from his victims if he was ordered to pay them restitution???


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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I’m not aware of what exactly is entailed in this type of criminal enterprise. However, I have seen Federal Laws such as the RICO Law manipulated to charge individuals for crimes outside the scope and intent of laws they are charged for violating.....

So, Epstein is under incitement for operating a Sex Trafficking Ring? It doesn’t seem rational for him to engage in that kind of criminal enterprise because he certainly doesn’t need the money, and the risk to benefit ratio doesn’t compute.....this raises my suspicion that he is being ensnarled in an extended definition of the SexTrafficking Statutes. Ex: A NYC Prosecutor instructed forensic staff to disassemble a folding knife and to measure the blade from tip to base beyond its pivot hole to get a conviction because the blade extended less than 3.0” when opened and the statue defined knives as concealed weapons as those having blades of 3.0” or greater. I would have hung the jury on that case.....

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The claim is that he paid underage girls he'd already abused to bring MORE girls in for him to abuse - thus paying someone to facilitate the induction of a minor into sexual abuse and prostitution.

You trying to say that doesn't meet sex trafficking standards???

And as above, a pair of teens engaging in consensual sex is a far cry from a billionaire 50+ year old man flying other wealthy old men to Caribbean islands to have sex parties with girls as young as 14... you got no problem with that? Maybe you don't, man, but I sure as f*** do, whether the girls "wanted it or not."

F that. Lock his ass up if any of this is even remotely true, and f anyone who wants to try to justify it, IMO. I'm not afraid to stand up and say that s**t ain't ok. Not now, not ever. NOT ok. I've personally delivered babies from a ton of 12 y/o girls. Do I think the men who knocked them up should be in prison? Yeah... every f***ing one of them. They do it in the Middle East, in the Far East, in South America, wherever... I don't care. Here, I will stand up and say that it is wrong. Period.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 12, 2017
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The claim is that he paid underage girls he'd already abused to bring MORE girls in for him to abuse - thus paying someone to facilitate the induction of a minor into sexual abuse and prostitution.

You trying to say that doesn't meet sex trafficking standards???

And as above, a pair of teens engaging in consensual sex is a far cry from a billionaire 50+ year old man flying other wealthy old men to Caribbean islands to have sex parties with girls as young as 14... you got no problem with that? Maybe you don't, man, but I sure as f*** do, whether the girls "wanted it or not."

F that. Lock his ass up if any of this is even remotely true, and f anyone who wants to try to justify it, IMO. I'm not afraid to stand up and say that s**t ain't ok. Not now, not ever. NOT ok. I've personally delivered babies from a ton of 12 y/o girls. Do I think the men who knocked them up should be in prison? Yeah... every f***ing one of them. They do it in the Middle East, in the Far East, in South America, wherever... I don't care. Here, I will stand up and say that it is wrong. Period.

I haven’t seen the specifications in the charges. Of course exploiting 14 y.o girls a a crime. I just can’t imagine that their parents allowed them to go off on their own for any reason. How long ago was all this going on? I need to see the evidence before I’ll yell, “Get a Rope!”

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Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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I haven’t seen the specifications in the charges. Of course exploiting 14 y.o girls a a crime. I just can’t imagine that their parents allowed them to go off on their own for any reason. How long ago was all this going on? I need to see the evidence before I’ll yell, “Get a Rope!”

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Nobody's asking you to get a rope. Nobody's gonna get a rope, and nobody here is gonna be on the jury. We're stating opinions based on the obvious. We all love the fact that you think you're Henry Fonda in Twelve Angry Men. It's adorable.
...But the girls are to blame and the parents are to blame... good grief.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
My biggest problem with this whole mess is how politics have played such a huge role, and continues to do so. Let's break this down honestly for a change of pace:

A prosecutor appointed by George W. Bush not once, not twice, not three times but FOUR TIMES, gave a “sweetheart deal” that included a felony guilty plea, jail time, victim restitution* and registering as a sex offender, to a powerful political operative with NO PRIOR CRIMINAL HISTORY, while working in the Bush Administration DoJ in 2008, but its Trump’s fault? Keep in mind Acosta was nominated to his current post on the recommendation of an appointee who served in both the Bush and Obama Administrations before Trump.

Oh and BTW, Obama was in office for 8 years and no one seemed to care that a powerful political ally and personal friend of the Clintons “got off” with a “sweetheart deal” for all that time. I mean it's not like there was international press coverage of the scandal back then right? oh... Wait...
Now that Trump looks to survive an attempted coup by Democrats, “his” political appointee not doing a good enough job while he was working for Bush is another Trump scandal?

Let's not forget that there have literally been dozens of M.E.D.I.A. articles about Epstein with Trump's picture above the fold and which glancingly mention his ties to Clinton while highlighting Trump's ties to him, replete with denials, dismissals and mistruths by Clinton spokespersons. USA Today went so far as to blatantly mislead readers about Trump's association with Epstein:

Yeah, I guess technically Trump saying something mildly positive about Epstein 17 years ago, before banning him from all Trump properties in 2008 and not one shred of evidence they had any contact in over a decade is "socializing together before the 2016 election? :rolleyes2

If you listen to the M.E.D.I.A. today, Acosta raped those girls harder than Epstein did. Why? Because Trump hired him to be the Sec. of Labor and Trump isn't getting impeached after all over Russia. The real truth? The left has suddenly and miraculously decided that after over a decade of ignoring them, Epstein's victims are a critical national issue, all because they can be used to take down Trump. If that means that the now useless and politically radioactive Bill Clinton, once the left's darling hero has to be sacrificed for that cause, then so be it.

* Oh and about that "secret" deal Epstein got that was withheld from his victims? How can it be a secret from his victims if he was ordered to pay them restitution???
There is a whole lot of folks quaking in their boots right now. He got a sweet deal for sure that any of the rest of us would have spent a lifetime in prison with bubba taking advantage of us.
But the libs don't care because one of their hero's was totally involved, and they colluded to keep it quiet. Had Hillary been elected, Mr Epstein would not be in jail right now.
I did see that his lawyers are asking for bail now and promised over 750 million dollars bond if he is released.
I certainly hope the court doesn't fall for that. That is only the price of his NYC mansion and one of his two jets.
It's like one of us dropping a $20 bill on the street and walking away from it.


Special Hen
Feb 1, 2019
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Child sex trafficking is a big problem worldwide, and as I said earlier, not every child grows up under ideal circumstances. It happens in every country, including the USA, and apparently Florida is a particular hotspot.

Like you, I don't know for certain what Epstein has, may have, or has not done... and waiting until the courts settle everything out to form a final opinion is not something I see as a problem. I think a lot of times we believe the first thing the media reports, and make judgments before we have all the facts.

But nothing that has been reported stretches the limits of what is POSSIBLE... and Epstein does have a criminal history that specifically lends credibility to the charges. It seems though that you are more willing to give Epstein the benefit of the doubt than you are his (alleged) victims.

Here are a few articles on child sex trafficking. It is a real and serious problem, and happens all the time.

This one addresses how people often become victims

This one has a case history of how one young woman became a victim


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 20, 2005
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RealPolitiDiva: "After Jeffrey Epstein’s first arrest in 2006, he donated 25K to the Clinton Foundation and received a slap on the wrist. Clinton flew to Epstein’s island of underaged victims 26 times! Who was FBI Director at this time? Robert Mueller. Connecting the Deep State dots yet?"

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