Maybe for mild chronic pain, but acute severe pain is another story.I believe edibles are a good alternative to prescription pain killers. Much healthier.
Maybe for mild chronic pain, but acute severe pain is another story.I believe edibles are a good alternative to prescription pain killers. Much healthier.
Heck, ice your edible with ivermectin and you might damn well live forever.Cures cancer? Well.... it's no Ivermectin but it surely has helped some folks with pain and anxiety.
Ok. More leftist. Current definition of liberal equals leftist.Last time I checked the current definition of a liberal included more government oversight and intervention in personal freedom.
Perhaps that definition is changing?
Some won’t get this. Hilarious.Be careful now......... some folks hear you're up there at Turkey Mountain and they'll be asking you to share a coffee.
Don’t delude yourself into thinking more regulation equals freedom. It’s quite the opposite.Ok. More leftist. Current definition of liberal equals leftist.
Olde English is olde.
I do agree that liberals of today are not politically "Liberal" under the classic definition.
Leftist = destruction of Western society by any and all means possible. Getting more people hooked on drugs and dependent on .gov furthers that goal AND increases governmental oversight and lowers personal freedom.
Don't fall for that illusion of legalization equals more freedom.
Last time I checked the current definition of a liberal included more government oversight and intervention in personal freedom.
Perhaps that definition is cha
Sherrick13 is smoking something. LolLast time I checked the current definition of a liberal included more government oversight and intervention in personal freedom.
Perhaps that definition is changing?
Never said it did. I think government should be as small as possible, but there needs to be some government.Don’t delude yourself into thinking more regulation equals freedom. It’s quite the opposite.
Yes it isYou don't say. In other news, water is wet.
Rez back?Idiot stoners said it all the time in my age group (36). The funny part of it is not one of them knew Bob Marley died of cancer but listened to his music and wore clothes with his image, several of them didn’t even know he was dead. Idiots are gonna idiot
It will help. I have neuropathy (hurts like a MFer) and it dulls the pain to let me sleep.I don't know if marijuana works medically or not but hell I'm even thinking about trying it for my rheumatism. Doctor put me on something that was making me crazy. Point is when you are hurting you should be able to get some relief. Only you know if mj works or not, not some bureaucrat. I'll always be on the side of personal choice.