2024 Deer Season Stories/Pics/Etc.

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Are you serious?
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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 31, 2013
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Logan County
My buddy who is hunting in the TX panhandle is ultra scent conscious and won’t wear his hunting clothes in his truck to drive to where he hunts. He keeps two tubs in the back of his truck…one for “scent free” hunting clothes and other to put his “truck” clothes in, and he strips down and changes before walking in to his stand and changes back before heading home. He also carries an ozonics machine to supposedly eliminate scent in his stand. The funny part is that he gets busted by deer smelling him more than anyone I know.🤣
I was texting with him last night, and he said he’s ran deer out on the way to the stand every time he’s been hunting and hasn’t seen a deer while hunting. He hunts in a 6x8 box stand, and I suggested him sleep in his stand one night to see what happens. Him and the people he was with thought that was the stupidest crap they had ever heard. I told him doing stupid crap has put deer heads on my wall, and I’ve definitely done stupider crap than that to kill a big buck.

Who here would sleep in their stand to kill a big buck?

I’ll qualify that I wouldn’t try to sleep in a lean to ladder stand on the side of a tree, but if I had a 6x8 box, I’d definitely be willing to sleep in it if it increased my odds of success.
I've said the exact same thing to my brother about a couple of the box blinds on his place. Deer are all over the feeders and I'd run them off hunting in the mornings, but could very likely get a shot at one if I slept in the blind. So I'd probably do it without a second thought if needed. :)

He knows a few guys who'll drive to their spots and park near some trees to watch wheat fields. And then sleep in their trucks until daybreak.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 16, 2021
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Canadian County
He keeps two tubs in the back of his truck…one for “scent free” hunting clothes and other to put his “truck” clothes in, and he strips down and changes before walking in to his stand and changes back before heading home.
I am worse/crazier/more anal than that. I also de-scent my truck cloths so I go from scent free cloths that I drove in to my hunting scent free cloths once I park my truck. It is probably super stupid but it seems to work for me based on my experiences.

To answer your other question, I would definitely sleep in the blind if I had one like that which was able to do so. Right now, I don't have that option.

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