Regardless of what the laws say, it is ridiculous to blame the bartender. In a free society, we have to treat every individual as a free moral agent, completely responsible for his own actions and completely free to engage in any consensual activity with others without taking responsibility for everything the other party does afterwards. Of course rational self interest comes into play in this kind of situation because as was said, a bartender/whorehouse owner doesn't benefit when his customers go off and get killed... but the blame rests squarely on the guy who voluntarily got $hitfaced, voluntarily decided to drive, accidentally destroyed someone else's property but then voluntarily decided to try to get away without taking responsibility for it, and went on to voluntarily threaten everybody else on the road by driving in this state. Oh, and of course voluntarily doing all this in a truck owned by his employer, trying to show up to work in this state, and still expecting his employer to want to continue their employment relationship. It just boggles the mind sometimes.