For anyone needing it academy in lawton did have 300 blkout 220 gr for 21.99 a box. A little higher than I normally pay but it was there.
Lawton's Academy had no .380 ACP but the Duncan WM had 100 packs of .357 mag Remingtom and lots of .40 cal Winchester White Box
Lawton's Academy had no .380 ACP but the Duncan WM had 100 packs of .357 mag Remingtom and lots of .40 cal Winchester White Box
Big 5 had seven 100 Ct boxes of Winchester. 380 ($46) and a couple boxes of 50 Ct Remmington. 380 HP (($24).
They also had primers...yes primers large and small, pistol and rifle. $45 per 1000 is a bit high they have them.
Stopped in at Academy this morning just to look around a bit, their ammo limits have changed. It's now two boxes (or one bulk pack) per caliber of the "popular" calibers, and no limit on the number of calibers - you could by two boxes of .223 plus two boxes of 5.56 for instance. They define a "bulk pack" as 100 rounds or more.
They had a few 100 round boxes of .22 Golden Bullet and a dozen or so boxes of .380 ball at "not TOO bad" prices when I was there, as well as most of the normal stuff.