Any of you hog hunters ever been attacked?

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Nov 18, 2009
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Edmond OK
LOL me no, But an old friend was hog hunting in the Kiamichi mountains around the devils backbone or on top. He shot at a smaller hog and the largest started charging... He had a 50 cal black powder and in the rush to reload, he broke the rod off into the barrel. shot that at the hog and rushed to shimmy up a tree. he didnt get a hog. didnt get bit and picked up a new rod the week after. Vut yes carry backup.


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Jul 24, 2022
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Sw oklahoma
I’ve killed hundreds of hogs, most of them with dogs and a knife. 3 times in my life I’ve been spooked by hogs running at me, but none of those 3 times do I think the hogs were running my direction (or charging) on purpose. I think I just happened to be standing in the direction they were running. Probably the scariest (that’s a word, right? 🤣) experience I had with hogs, is one evening deer hunt while walking out of a hay meadow, I had to cross 300 yards of tall grass before getting to wheat pasture, then I had a 1/2 mile walk to the truck. When I got to the edge of the tall grass and wheat, I basically walked into a group of hogs. We all froze. The majority of them were in a plum thicket directly north of me and straight downwind of me. They could smell me and weren’t happy. I had one large fence post I could climb, and that was it….. I didn’t have a very good plan. I could see one really big hog in front of me in the wheat with my binoculars but didn’t have a good enough scope on my rifle to find him in the scope. I was stuck. One of the hogs in the plum thicket began sorta growling at me. Thats the only way I can describe it, he was grunting low and long. It scared the crap out of me. After about a 20 second standoff, they all broke and ran. They were running on either side of me, racing by me. That was probably the only time I really got scared by pigs.

Two other times while hunting with dogs, they came within feet of me. One time, I know for certain that I was standing on that boar’s lone escape route, and I stepped off the trail as he blazed by me. The other time, I was standing in front of the truck with a catch dog on a lead & the hog got away from some younger dogs and ran directly at me. There’s no way he could’ve seen me, he was staring directly into the headlights at night. They hog made it to about 5’ from me, to the end of the dog lead and the big bulldog I was holding locked him down. Again, I was just standing where the hog was running.

All that being said, I heard of a guy in Texas who got wore out by a boar hog in a creek bed. The group of hogs ran by him, and one turned and came back to get him. It tore up his calves and legs pretty good. I saw pictures of the incident on a big hunting forum years ago. Those pictures always stuck in my mind’s memory bank.


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Nov 28, 2010
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I don't consider myself a hog hunter whatsoever, but shot one in the face with a 1911 .45ACP from about 3' away when looking for a wounded one in knee high grass. It was only about a hundred pounder, but might as well have been a thousand pounder because when I almost stepped on it and it grunted and jumped up, I set a new vertical jump record for folks over 30yo lol.


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Dec 19, 2012
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Never attacked, but close enough to be scared a couple times.

Once, as has been mentioned previously, I found myself too close to a sow with piglets. I thought she was going to charge but she just kept turning to keep me in sight while her piglets gathered behind her, then they bolted off.

The other time was waaay too close. I was hunting in heavy cedars, so heavy I had to crawl under some on my hands and knees. When I got to an opening where I could stand up, there were pigs snoozing all around the opening, just under the cedars. There was about a 20 pound piglet that spotted me, started pacing and grunting, then let out a little squeal. When he did, his mom stood up and he ran too her. He started squealing again which got all the other hogs up on their feet. There were probably 15-18 in that bunch. The little guy was standing next to his mom’s shoulder so I aimed for his head and put a shot through both him and his mom. That’s when all hell broke loose. There were pigs running everywhere, crisscrossing, squealing, snorting… then I see a big boar coming at me. I tried chambering another round but my 45-70 jammed. The boar came by, barely brushing my leg, but his tusk sliced my pants open like you cut them with a knife or scissors. When all the pigs had gone and I regained my composure, I realized how lucky I was. I also realized that the boar wasn’t “coming at me” so much as I just happened to be in the path where he was trying to go. If he had really wanted to get me, I likely would have been done in that day.


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Apr 16, 2021
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Canadian County
I was walking in the dark this week to my blind and heard hogs all around me and being honest, I was not nervous at all. I find they would rather run from me than attack.

I did shoot one with a cross bow a few years ago. It ran towards me, then did a big circle about ten yards away and died.

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