Anyone get GOUT?

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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Mine was under control for years with digestive enzymes & black cherry pills. But now in the last few months, I've had it 3-4 times with a vengeance! Even with a MEATLESS diet for a week, it has returned again as of this morning; can anyone shed any light as to why that would occur even with no meat? When I first got it, I was on allopurinol for a few months and it did the job until I figured out I wanted to see if I could manage it without drugs first. Unless I can figure this out soon, I may have to return to big-Pharma for that.

Thanks guys


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 2, 2013
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Any fructose in the diet? Particularly high fructose corn syrup? That will flare up gout more than just about anything else I've come across in my office. Big fan of proteolytic enzymes as well as raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar as well.


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Any fructose in the diet? Particularly high fructose corn syrup? That will flare up gout more than just about anything else I've come across in my office. Big fan of proteolytic enzymes as well as raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar as well.

I deliberately try to avoid it (HFCS) but yesterday morning I did eat some fake pancake syrup (maybe a table spoon) since there was no real maple syrup available at the time. The enzymes I take contain betaine HCL; I do raw ACV when I have a stomach ache, but not daily since anything that acidic going down the espophgus daily may increase cancer risk; same concept why soda drinkers are at increased risk.

I should also mention that I have no gall bladder and I've read that gout risk increases after it is removed. Thanks for your response; it would be bizarre if that little bit of syrup did this; I also ate some peanuts right before bed; I know they contain purines but not much right?


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Jan 2, 2013
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I don't think that much HFCS or peanuts would do anything unless you are extremely sensitive. You can do ACV capsules if you're worried about acid. Typically any acids you ingest are not going to cause erosion (unless excessive amounts), the problem is with reflux of stomach acids, which DGL is fantastic at preventing.

Gout can flare up for a number of reasons. Regardless of avoiding HFCS, which you should absolutely continue, anything that causes liver inflammation can cause a flare up (too much sugar is a major factor). NAC can be extremely effective at indirectly preventing flare-ups as it is one of the best things for liver health.

Good luck, Brother! I've never dealt with gout but see it almost daily. It can get nasty!


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
The wife has a cousin in Idaho who was having foot issues while we were up there in June. He went to the VA for treatment and they told him it was gout. However, since then, someone else (I presume another doctor) has found that he needed surgery. I don't have all the details, but he should be getting the "pins" taken out soon. I wonder if you might want to get a second opinion?


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
I don't think that much HFCS or peanuts would do anything unless you are extremely sensitive. You can do ACV capsules if you're worried about acid. Typically any acids you ingest are not going to cause erosion (unless excessive amounts), the problem is with reflux of stomach acids, which DGL is fantastic at preventing.

Gout can flare up for a number of reasons. Regardless of avoiding HFCS, which you should absolutely continue, anything that causes liver inflammation can cause a flare up (too much sugar is a major factor). NAC can be extremely effective at indirectly preventing flare-ups as it is one of the best things for liver health.

Good luck, Brother! I've never dealt with gout but see it almost daily. It can get nasty!

It hurts; it is in my ankle and not toe...pain is from 1-10 and some attacks worse than others...the worst ever left me unable to walk (except to hop to bathroom on one leg) for 4 days...I literally had to take 3 days off work and the pain wasn't fully gone for maybe 7 days. Right now I'm at a 7 on pain as it is; taking tumeric/curcumin and ginger too as well was slathering on Topricin which is the best pain cream I've ever seen. I take Himalaya Liver Care daily and also NAC 600mg but not consistently enough. Thanks again so much for your responses!

The wife has a cousin in Idaho who was having foot issues while we were up there in June. He went to the VA for treatment and they told him it was gout. However, since then, someone else (I presume another doctor) has found that he needed surgery. I don't have all the details, but he should be getting the "pins" taken out soon. I wonder if you might want to get a second opinion?

Nahh, this is elevated Uric Acid; I've dealt with it for 6yrs and my Dad had it too. I get blood tests for uric acid fairly regular and can confirm it to be gout attacks. It can damage joints though for sure so your wife's cousin could have had a bad foot due to years of gout attacks.

Reloading Rod

Special Hen
Aug 10, 2014
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I just try and keep my body flushed with water, I have attacks every once in a while for the last 20 years, it sucks. I usually can feel it coming on and try to keep my foot elevated and watch what I eat and just drink water for a week or so and usually just have a 3 or 4 on the pain scale which I can live with. My main downfall is Soda pop and of course red meat, I work on my feet all day so I really hate having it. On a normal day I drink between 2 to 4 gallons of water and I think that is what helps me the most.

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