This +10000000 AND it also goes for humans as well.Take that boy to the vet.
Bad breath is not normal for a dog. The most likely cause is dental disease (I'll come back to that), but several other problems can cause bad breath as well - kidney disease is a prime example of that.
A foreign body in the mouth (splinter, stick, bone, burr) can all cause bad breath. An infected/abscessed tooth is another possibility, as well as a variety of oral an/or sinus conditions including infections and tumors.
Tartar and periodontal disease can cause a lot of problems of which bad breath is just one sign. Once periodontal disease sets in you start loosing bone, and after that you're into tooth loss. In addition, since there is a great blood supply to the mouth, bacteria from the tartar and periodontal disease can cross into the blood stream and cause very serious conditions including heart disease.
So... after more information than you probably wanted... take him to a vet. Just about everything I just mentioned can be treated or managed. It may be something that a good diet and some dental treats can handle, but no one on any forum can answer that for you for sure.