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Are you serious?
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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 31, 2013
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Logan County
I think of getting local media to cover local shooting sports, to see that normal people like having guns and do normal safe and fun family stuff.

Inviting the media more into the shooting world could backfire depending on how they spin it. They could ask participants leading questions. I'm guessing a lot of us wouldn't come off too well in the spotlight, given the way any comment is spun and twisted nowadays.
I've got some great thoughts in my head (don't we all), but I know I easily get flustered and confrontational when pressed, so it wouldn't be a good idea to put me in front of a camera.

Do any of the larger gun clubs or groups in the state have public information folks?

If not, maybe they need to get them . . .


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
I'm afraid you are right. It would be great to have favorable coverage of various shooting events, but there are way too many of our community that are just not what we want representing us, and those would be the ones interviewed.


Special Hen
Aug 10, 2019
Reaction score
Colion is right... it's getting close to time to start getting pissed at these fecking morons who want to piss all over the Constitution.

<edit> And yet... anytime I bring this up with any of my fellow gun owner friends, most of them just say, "No way that's ever going to happen." Apathy and comfort are just as insidious as creeping infringement laws.
You got my vote dude. If they want my guns they better bring enough of their own to take them. I trained my guns well and they wont go peaceably.


Special Hen
Aug 10, 2019
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One thing I'm getting tired of is people saying they're getting tired of not doing anything, letting all this happen, they're really pissed that nobody's doing anything, but they have no plan of action and don't say what they think people should be doing.

You're pissed? Me too.
Now: what do we do about it, today, tomorrow, this week?!!

Speak up!! What do we do?!

Most of our ilk are hard working, leave-me-alone I-don't-want-the-spotlight-in-my-life types, don't call attention to ourselves.
Up to now we figure peaceful voting will keep things going our way, but the new urban population and media and big money like Bloomberg are more than just voting will take care of.


I think it will take a major figure or org (NOT the NRA) to call for some major rallies, media coverage, honest talk about gun stats.
How do we make that happen?

Should we all contact GOA and ask them to start something? Colin Noire? He's too close to the NRA. Dana Lesch, nope.

So, complainers, what do we do?
Well I'm no prepper but here is my take.
1) This state has a militia it is OKDF. They take people from 17 y/o to 70y/o. IF you are physically able join it. There is strength in numbers.
2) Find out who around you is a 2A advocate and develop relations with them.
3) Practice, practice, practice your shooting and tactical skills. Make yourself a hard target rather than a soft one.
4) Separate your firearms and munitions stash into at least two locations. If they get one you still have your standby to fall back on.
5) scope out the area where you live and find a position that you can fall back to if needed.
6) VOTE! We have 2A carry in this state starting 11/1/19 because people who gave a darn voted and we have a Governor that is pro Constitution.! It doesn't matter if we think it is nothing, it is something. Personally I am looking for a presidential candidate that will stop the carnage of our rights.
7) If you pray then pray. We sure could use GOD'S help right now.
8) From here we need to network, thus #1, and this site.

To this end I recommend to the admin of this site that we start planning and having seasonal gatherings. Shoots, picnics, whatever and letting the press in our areas know. There are a lot of hometown papers that aren't owned by Murdoch that will still print area activities. This would be a great way to build a STRONG 2A community and to network so we know who we are. When tshtf we are going to need to be organized enough to defend our state and our freedom.

This may seem extreme but if you think about it this makes perfect sense. Nowhere in this am I calling out anything illegal. This is the way to build ourselves into a voice for our guns rights, our state, and our Constitution.
The first step is to start networking. So what of it Admins and owners?
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Special Hen
Nov 30, 2015
Reaction score
And, there's the possibility that the world turns and it's time for our types to melt away and let human change to whatever, even though our culture and values will be gone.

It's happened before, maybe it's out time.

Extinction of a type, locale or species is a common occurrence.. Good times creates weak men, hard times creates strong men.. We've had it good for a long time now.. Haven't ya heard the commercials for testosterone treatment ? The masculine man is in decline.. I feel bad for our kids and grand kids.. Enjoy what you have while you have...

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