Child was named “Abcde” as a joke. Mom angry at airlines!

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Special Hen
Apr 24, 2013
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Some people create names for the attention or due to being high on drugs or plain stupid. Knew a woman who named her daughter Echoe (Ek Oh E) The woman was a drug addict.

You can also look up names that were used at different times like "Dorcas" which reached it's peak around 1923. Maim is another one, not to mention Ima as in Ima Hogg. And then you have people who are rich and eccentric naming the daughter Crystal Shanda Lear, that is what the guy who founded Lear Jet named his kid. If that isn't stupid enough how about Window with a middle name of Coverings or how about Moon Unit then again you could just name the daughter and the dog both in one go with Fifi and the Piece DE Resistance so you always remember what you were doing when you conceived the kid Marijuana Pepsi.

Stupid names abound and if a parent names their kid something non traditional there isn't crap you can do about being teased unless the kid next to you is Number 16 Bus Shelter or Jesus Condom, Ben Dover, Moe Lester and Mike Litoris

But hey if you want to be stupid at least give the kid a standard middle name.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 18, 2018
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Moore, OK
Lol, just remembered this. True story.

Several years ago, we had a local police officer with the last name of Canoe. He had two kids, a boy and a girl.

He named the girl Tippy, and the boy Tyler. So they were Tippy Canoe and Tyler too... :D

Several years ago??!! I guess that would be the definition of an old joke hiding in plain clothes!



In Remembrance 2024
Special Hen
Aug 17, 2010
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Of course, you know Darth Vader's wife's name, right?


LawDog had a good take on the whole thing:

Hey! You! Off my planet!

Just out of sense of macabre curiosity, once in a while I'll drift through Reuters "Oddly Enough" page.

Today I notice that a
Chinese couple is attempting to name their newest sprog "@".

Nope, that's not a typo. They are attempting to name their child after the "at" symbol found in e-mail addresses around the world.

This is fresh on the heels of the
New Zealand couple who, foiled in their attempt to name their child "4Real", instead named him "Superman".

Which beats out the previous contestants -- a couple in Sweden who wanted to name their baby girl "Metallica".

I suppose I shouldn't whinge -- after all, America is the home of Kal-el Coppola Cage, Moon Unit Zappa, Fifi Trixibelle Geldof, Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lily Hutchence and last -- but certainly not least --
GoldenPalaceDotCom Silverman.


Am I the only person who foresees a crowd of grade-school kids chanting, "It's a bird! It's a plane! It's ..." just before third grader Kal-el Cage or Superman Wheaton is yard-darted into the turf from the top level of the football bleachers by a pack of sixth graders?

Children are sweet. Children in large packs are savage, vicious and sadistic little heathens who live by the Law of the Jungle.

GoldenPalaceDotCom Silverman.


Might as well tie a rib-eye around that kids neck and send him out to play with the rottweilers now -- let him get used to the treatment before he gets to elementary school.

When my legions of flying monkeys complete my Plan for World Domination, this bushwa is going to stop.

And because I will be a libertarian despotic tyrant, I won't even order folks not to hang silly-arsed names on their children.

No, I will simply open a folder for each child stuck with an unfortunately cocked-over name. Inside this folder, I will place several pre-signed, blank conspiracy warrants and two pre-signed pardons.

And every time little Kal-el gets punched in the mouth ("From Krypton, huh?" Pow! "Guess not, loser!") or young Superman gets thrown off the bleachers ("If you're really Superman, you should be able to fly!"), then Mama and Daddy get arrested for Conspiring To Make A Child's Life A Living Hell, and are punished along with the heathens.

The pardons will come into play when young GoldenPalaceDotCom Silverman finally loses his grip on his mud and sets his parents bed on fire. One pardon for one criminal act committed upon each parent.

It's only fair. Not only that, but as your Emperor, it will be my solemn duty to ensure that stupidity -- especially blatant stupidity of this calibre -- hurts.


If you're not reading LawDog, you really should be.

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