confession time- Game warden tickets

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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 4, 2011
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I've been checked a few times by local wardens and everything has been okay. But had several in Arkansas where I grew up. Forgot to sign a duck stamp once got a warning. Checked another time didn't have a legible copy of hunters ed card it had faded and wore some in my wallet. Got a ticket that time. The worst was in colorado with my dad one year. We hadn't had any luck yet but he kept looking and asking questions and finally wrote us a few warnings for some small trivial things. we never hunted that unit agin as a result of that warden. He was a prick. The other colorado wardens I've encountered have been nice but that one I'll never forget.

Sent from NSA wire tapped device.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Been hunting for 20 years and I've never come across a gw.
Me either. Well, one on the road on opening day of rifle 10 years ago. I think the guys out west run into them more because it's so open.

It's a long hike through woods and up ridges to even have a chance at seeing me.

Been checked fishing a couple times here, more on AR and MO. My buddy and I opened up a trout park a couple years ago. The second morning of season we are just flat out slaying them - way more than anyone around us. I had my 3 of 4 on my stringer and kept fishing and releasing. My buddy decided to quit, strung his 4th, and we walked back up to the truck for a snack. We decide to grab the fly rods and fish upstream for a few minutes before leaving. I catch a nice one and tell my buddy I'm keeping it and walking back...he's reeling one in which he promptly releases.

Get back to the truck and the warden us parked behind us. He'd been watching us through binocs - he took notice because of how many fish we were catching. He's like "you boys are tearin' 'em up, huh?" He then says he saw Jeff keep fishing after his limit. He said "at least you released it." Jeff was wearing a lime green parka.. made it real easy to see him. He declined to even check me because he saw me stop at 3 fish. Told Jeff he should follow my lead. Lawl. Cost him ~ $100.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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Checked many times, never a ticket or warning. 95% really good guys doing a thankless, difficult job. And have dealt wit h 2 complete a_holes, try as they might, couldn't find anything or provoke us. 1 actually called us ******* for not put Ching him, a real class act, especially since we had 3 boys under 12 with us.


Special Hen
Sep 5, 2009
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Got invited to go dove hunting with a friend and his dad. They drop me off on corner of the field and head over to a pond and tell me to have fun. This was my first hunting trip ever, I was 16 and didn't even know for sure what a dove looked like.
About an hour into my "hunt" ranger McClung walks up and checks my lic. Tells me he's been watching me for about a few minutes and "it's good thing you can't shoot, you haven't shot at a dove yet" he ended up hanging out with me for about an hour, shows me how to ID dove, and how to lead them properly. When he left I had 5 dove in my bag and a new love for the outdoors and hunting. One seriously cool guy.


Special Hen
Aug 6, 2005
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Southwest OK
Two years ago in SE ok at our lease we (10 hunters) were back at camp cleaning six hogs one of the guys shot (with rifle during archery season) and all the sudden a GW truck rolls up. Now we are 1+ miles off the road and no easy way in to camp he says that he was notified by a trespasser that there were gun shots over here. Well there were but it was legal. We had 5 deer hanging on the meat pole and six hogs. We had always let our deer hang until we hit processed them or took them home and generally didn't put our tags on them hole they hung, no real reason just didn't worry about it. So here we are with 5 untagged deer. So 4 hunters (myself included) got a ticket for not immediately tagging deer one guy was lucky and only got one ticket for his two deer.
We all did the $100 in the field fine verses the $215 take it to court fine.
I'm pretty sure we would have gotten off with a warning but it was a new guy getting trained and the senior guy was really looking to hammer us.
That was my first time to ever be checked and the first time in 15+ years a GW had showed up to our lease.


Special Hen
Sep 13, 2011
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I've been hunting and fishing at Lexington WMA for nearly 15 years and have never been checked. Until the other night. I took my two boys down to a pond to fish and took the 20 gauge Wingmaster with me. We weren't there to dove hunt anyway. We were mainly out there to scout for deer, fish, and maybe take a squirrel or two. I also always take a gun with me for snakes when fishing out there. Well, the warden decides to come say hi and here I am with an unplugged Wingmaster in the middle of dove season. After visiting for a while, he gave me a warning and suggested that he'd feel a lot better if I exchanged that shotgun for the .22 in the Jeep. I promptly did so. He was a good guy.

I got a ticket for fishing at Lake Overholser without a license when I was 19. That was my one and only ticket for a wildlife violation and I've done good by the law ever since.


Special Hen
Feb 10, 2011
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NW Oklahoma
My only encounter with a GW was when we were fishing Sooner Lake a few weeks back. GW starts to boat over to us, as they approach we start pulling rods in so they can come up to the side of the boat. As they put it in "N" to allow us to move our poles their outboard dies. The wind pushed them over the rock jetty, we then towed them back to the ramp.

That's my wife sneaking a picture over her shoulder!!


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Had GW to the house about ten or so years ago - when the Pawnee started selling hunting licenses. "They were good for x amount of deer on tribal land" - that did not count against statewide limit. I was leery about this...but I have a lifetime combo anyway. So I shoot a deer, and check it in at the check station using the Pawnee tag. he guys at the check station scratched their heads, and wrote down the number in their book.
A few days later GW knocks on my door - he asks, and I tell him the deal. He asks if I have Okla tag also, I say yes, lifetime. He tells me "good, I'd have to write you a ticket for not tagging that deer if you didn't". He wasn't a jerk at all, and went on to explain the State does not accept tribal sovereignty regarding wildlife. He also said he figured the State would lose if it ever went to court. Nice guy, just doing his job.

Fast forward a few years and another GW came up where me and my young son were sighting in our rifles. (not an official range) GW insinuated he would take our guns, and made the comment "I've always wanted a rifle like this" as he ran his puffy, groping hands all over the custom Mauser....he wrote us a warning, (I was shocked) but acted like a real %^%%. I've made it a point to keep that area trimmed and neat, providing a shooting lane for others to use now. I don't go to that same place to shoot, 'cuz I'm sure I'd get a ticket, or worse. I still shoot in the same area, I just walk a good ways back where 4x4s won't go, he ain't fixin' to do much walking.

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