Conflicted.... Card # 25

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Special Hen
Nov 6, 2013
Reaction score
I agree, Subprep. One thing would just be too hard because it all seems to lead to another.
A fiscally balanced budget. Cut down government spending by reducing government redundancy (bring back the Inspector General). Minimize foreign aid until we get our own house in order. A good spring cleaning of politicians, end lobbying. Focus programs on "hand up" instead of "hand outs" by limited amount of time they can be dependent on programs, anyone taking aid must work with someone who shows them "life skills" such as making a budget, writing a resume and any other skills as well as a drug testing policy. If unemployed, must show up at 8 am for mandatory community service.
Politicians cannot exempt themselves, nor can they vote for their own pay raises. Nor do they get salary for life. We pay you for time served.
All of congress & senate items up for vote available and easily accessible to the public so they can contact their representatives about them. All votes available, showing who voted for/against each bill. (Like Megavote)
Anyone entering the country illegally will not be eligible for aid, will be deported. Streamline process for immigration so that those who do choose to come legally aren't waiting 6+ months.

It just makes me wonder if so many people agree on these changes, why do we have no power to get anything done?


Special Hen
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
OK Chitty
It just makes me wonder if so many people agree on these changes, why do we have no power to get anything done?

Because 90+% of congress has pockets so deep they have never felt what the average joe feels, and complaints fall on idol ears. Most have only ever known the easy life, and never have felt the feeling that the walls are constantly being closed in on them, one inch at a time. They never have to worry about a paycheck for the rest of their life, they never have to worry about health care, they have "other" benefits we normal people can probably never imagine. They have put their selves above the general public, and we have let them, and because of that, they have absolutely ZERO idea or experience of what it is to actually live the life of the average everyday American.
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Special Hen
Nov 6, 2013
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but, but, but...excat! Didn't you hear Hilary say she was broke after leaving the mansion on the hill? She's had it tough too, ya know!

Yeah, I know that congress has deep pockets and has never lived the life that many Americans live. Maybe that's why we are failing now where previous generations succeeded. They were average Americans elected by their peers for their work ethic, not their ties to the purse strings.

It is only a matter of time before Rome falls.


Special Hen
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
OK Chitty
but, but, but...excat! Didn't you hear Hilary say she was broke after leaving the mansion on the hill? She's had it tough too, ya know!

Yeah, I know that congress has deep pockets and has never lived the life that many Americans live. Maybe that's why we are failing now where previous generations succeeded. They were average Americans elected by their peers for their work ethic, not their ties to the purse strings.

It is only a matter of time before Rome falls.

I don't hear a thing that ***** says.....:oops3: Sorry to the PC police out there....

I mean...uhh, no, I guess I didn't catch that memo....


Special Hen
Apr 10, 2013
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OK Chitty
I kind of feel like Congress should be split into two parts, the smart guys that figure out how to make something work and the "dumb" guys (everyday joes) that come up with the practical everyday ideas for the smart guys to work on....

If you look through out Congress, you have lawyers, doctors, etc...many of which even when they had jobs, were not part of the "norm", they were already well beyond the masses.

You fill one room with farmers, iron workers, welders, teachers... the average joes. They are the ones that will see the issues for what they are. They then address issues, and send them up to the smart guys (the doctors and lawyers, etc) saying, THIS is what we are wanting to accomplish, here's some ideas, come up with a few plans, and bring it back to us. After a plan, "bill" or "law" is wrote up, then both groups get together and talk about it, working through real world scenarios with them, and then put it to a vote.

There are repercussions that happen everyday that congress won't ever see happen, because they have never even had to think about it, or been put in the position where it mattered (Obama Care??). There are also repercussions that "we the people" don't see, as in why some things have to happen the way they do. We are both blind in some respect from one side to the other. The 2 sides need to be merged. We need the smartest and brightest minds in the nation working with the everyday people to solve our problems, in a practical manner. I have no doubt there are some really super intelligent minds sitting up in that very expensive white mansion on the hill (figuratively speaking), but there also comes a point that some people are so smart, they are dumb. They overly complicate the simplest of ideas.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Only one thing? Complete dissolution.

There seems to be way too many people willing to let others decide what rules and laws they need to follow, and plenty more who feel like they know best how to rule the masses. Doesn't matter right, left,'s more about those who want someone to have authority over them and others vs those of us who would rather have a bit of choice......
Eliminating payroll tax would be a healthy start, but only a start. Limiting terms is OK, but that assumes the voters are too stupid to impose limits on incumbents themselves. (which, obviously, they are)
Limiting government is like saying you're limiting poison. If big government is bad (or a lot of poison) - why should we be willing to serve up "just a little" to our heirs?


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2011
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If we had the 17th Amendment, Senators would be held more accountable to their state and we likely wouldn't have people like Feinstein and Boxer continually being elected by party line voters and progressing their own personal agenda at the detriment to their state and constituents.

Transmitted via Tactical Telecommunications Device


Special Hen
Oct 10, 2014
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SE Oklahoma
Eliminate all of the federal departments except the military....
Establish term limitations for congress and the federal judiciary and the federal judiciary elected by the People....
A person may only serve one term in congress or the judiciary....
Any monies earned above salary by congress or the judiciary during their term will be forfeited to the People...
Outlaw lobbyists making lobbying a capital offense.... for the lobbyist and government officials...
Secure the borders with fencing and federal troops....
Round up all of the illegals.... and permanently deport them....
Any illegal that got their citizenship will have to face a People's committee to see if the Citizenship will remain...
Not paying taxes will be a capital offense with forfeiture of all personal property including family property gained by such tax evasion....
The 2nd Amendment to be strengthened to prevent any government agency form seizing firearms....
Federal powers to be restrained and state powers to be strengthened....
and so forth...


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Eliminate all of the federal departments except the military....
Establish term limitations for congress and the federal judiciary and the federal judiciary elected by the People....
A person may only serve one term in congress or the judiciary....
Any monies earned above salary by congress or the judiciary during their term will be forfeited to the People...
Outlaw lobbyists making lobbying a capital offense.... for the lobbyist and government officials...
Secure the borders with fencing and federal troops....
Round up all of the illegals.... and permanently deport them....
Any illegal that got their citizenship will have to face a People's committee to see if the Citizenship will remain...
Not paying taxes will be a capital offense with forfeiture of all personal property including family property gained by such tax evasion....
The 2nd Amendment to be strengthened to prevent any government agency form seizing firearms....
Federal powers to be restrained and state powers to be strengthened....
and so forth...

Henschman's gonna like you ... :P (I don't think you are so bad, myself ... well, except for seeming awful eager to cut my appendix out ... :wink2: :rotflmao:)

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