Covid Scam

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May 17, 2020
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Sigh...... Sure Bob.
I guess we all must have misunderstood you all this time.

You were flat out ugly in early covid days.
People were asking questions and posting alternative options trying to avoid the jab. YOU were the one scouring any alternate methods, saying "Show me proof, where's the study, it's fake, vaccine injuries aren't reliable data, etc, etc".

You may have changed your mind on some things since then, but people remember.

Then, years later, PubMed has done the studies and trials that supports the original thoughts. When people mentions their observations (which is NOW supported by PubMed) - then you come on full-blast belittling the persons observations and you saying "my opinion is better then your opinion, because X" - all while towing the big pharma line!

Doing what you're currently doing will only reinforce others perception of you. Your best option is to tone it waaaay down, be respectful, and give the other opinion some standing.

There's a lot of discontent towards you, and It'll take a long time to undo your damage.
You've made your bed, now sleep in it.

Wise words: "Just ignore the thread if you don’t like what you read."
More nonsense. If I got ugly it was in response to ugliness directed at me. Show me where someone asked me an honest question about treatment & I put them down out of the blue. It didn’t happen. Had plenty of friendly conversations with folks. Granted, there were plenty of arguments, and both sides-including you- got pretty ugly. I think you’re conveniently forgetting that part. Shocking, I know. Right?😀
So now you are doing a bit of revisionist history here. I’m guessing it’s because I’ve made points today that you can’t refute & that prob frustrates you, so you write a post to attack me. Dont be such a Karen. We’re big boys here & can have adult discussions without having our feelings hurt.
So, put that in your pipe & toke up😀
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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
“ like telling me that 3 cases where I had covid for less than a day after taking ivermectin is only anecdotal.”

Um, that’s the very definition of anecdotal….

You can believe it’s a cure. I don’t & no IVM scientific studies ever done back up your anecdotal claims. I even posted the latest research. If you believe you had Covid & was cured in less than a day with IVM, thats your prerogative.
However, I was only responding to your claim that IVM is a “proven cure” for Covid. There is no cure. And your story isn’t any evidence that it is a cure. Your claim is a logical fallacy, by definition.

Weve have this discussion many times over the years. You bring it up all the time & I say the same thing. If you believe you were cured, that’s ok w/me. But it’s not provable, scientific, or statistically significant. 😀
So, keep bringing it up & when you ask me about it again (like you did in post #83) I’m gonna say the same thing.
Till next time…
You say potato
I say pototo.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 17, 2020
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Special Hen
Nov 20, 2010
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Yukon Ok.
They died from Covid. Came in with positive lab test for Covid . Died from viral Covid pneumonia., ARDS. MOF. Some were young healthy 40’s & 50’s, some were old with comorbidities. But they all died from Covid. We ran out of body bags. In 44+ yrs I never saw anything like it. We ran out of icu beds & took over the recovery room & er with patients.
Plenty of them told me “I’ll never take any Fauci poison.” And refused much of the treatment except for IVM & hydrochloriquin (sp). Watched them die all the same.
Many died from the treatment and not being educated, I refused to let them put me on a ventilator and forced my doctor to prescribe Ivermectin in the early onset.


Special Hen
Nov 20, 2010
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Yukon Ok.
Here’s where we’re at on this. I’ve been texting with my daughter this morning, and I told her I’m 100% against her taking the vax. HOWEVER, at the end of the day, she’s an adult now and is going to have to make the decision for herself and be willing to live with the consequences.
Agreed. She is grown and it’s her choice. All you can do is give her fatherly advice and pray she makes the right decision.


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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More nonsense. If I got ugly it was in response to ugliness directed at me. Show me where someone asked me an honest question about treatment & I put them down out of the blue. It didn’t happen. Had plenty of friendly conversations with folks. Granted, there were plenty of arguments, and both sides-including you- got pretty ugly. I think you’re conveniently forgetting that part. Shocking, I know. Right?😀
So now you are doing a bit of revisionist history here. I’m guessing it’s because I’ve made points today that you can’t refute & that prob frustrates you, so you write a post to attack me. Dont be such a Karen. We’re big boys here & can have adult discussions without having our feelings hurt.
So, put that in your pipe & toke up😀

Poor Bob ... He's just misunderstood ...
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