Covid Scam

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Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
Can't we all just get along?

Don't hold your breath.

Funny how some can speak of personal experience and the local expert tries to belittle and dismiss that experience.

Then, claims his experience is correct, their's is wrong and they spoke ugly to them.

If ivermectin (or whatever the discussion of the day is) worked 1 in a million times. (Which it has worked more than once, as stated throughout these discussions).

To THAT 1, it worked and that is all that matters.

My cousin owned / ran a day care. She was MANDATED to take the vac. Had no health problems, was not over weight or any underlying issues. Tested negative for Covid and received the vac, on a Thursday. Woke up Friday feeling terrible and went to ER. Tested negative for Covid. Admitted to hospital Friday afternoon. Comatose Friday night. Passed on Sunday morning, never regained consciousness. Death Certificate states Covid.
Proof positive of poison vaccine? You will not convince her family it isn't.

How many athletes, young, healthy, in their prime have take the jab and mysteriously keeled over?

Gates has been a proponent of population for years. The next 20 years may have a multitude of "unexplained" unexpected deaths. Yet, there will be those who refuse to acknowledge those experiences.

What works for some and doesn't for others is because we are all different. We make up our own minds and make a decision. Right or wrong.


Special Hen
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
Yes I agree completely with this!!
Yeah don't worry about offending anyone. Almost everyone here has been a little offensive or a lot at one time or another. That's just how passionate people are. Not cold or calculated. You will find you can have it out with a guy and the next day they are willing to help you with something. Good people still disagree. My brother gets on my nerves way more than anyone on a forum ever could. Also written words are so easy to misinterpret tone or intention. Some of the funniest guys I've known would get banned but in person you can pick up the jokes, intonation, facial expressions etc.

Like Bob gets on our nerves but at the same time if he needed a hand or help with anything I would for sure offer if I could help. I'm sure many would. Lots are that way. To me that's actual maturity.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 17, 2020
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What's the difference between arguing and debating or discussion? Like Bob, if he were an attorney I would think I gotta hire this guy. He can wear anyone out.
Thanks for the “compliment “. 😀
If you don’t wanna get worn out, just be respectful instead of insulting me out of the blue with an unsolicited insulting post directed at me. Polite discourse is much more tolerable. Also, any Covid topic is going to be heated, so drop the Covid talk-OU football is more interesting these days anyway.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 25, 2009
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The guy made an unsolicited attack out of the blue at me calling me a clown & lib. So I responded in kind. Like Trump, if you hit me, I’ll hit back twice as hard.
As I’ve said respect gets respect. If you insult-(especially out of the blue when not even a part of the discussion) I’ll reply in kind. If you’re respectful, I’m respectful as well.
It would be great if everyone was respectful. Would make for more productive discussions.
Again - understand that there's a multitude of people discussing alternative medical methods. And you come in talking crap, telling them they're wrong, and throwing out demeaning comments.
...And you wonder why people are "ugly" towards you? Seriously?

"As I’ve said respect gets respect. " - Bob
Bob, when/how does this process start?
Does it always have to start with the 'other' person first?
Note that your baseline demeanor is pretty abrasive, so it's no surprise when people come in harsh at you. Your demeanor undermines you, and sets a harsh tone from the beginning.

Based on your OSA history, I think you need to expect the 'ugliness' and refrain from more insults. Do you want be continue being the 'uglier' man (metaphorically), or can you be the bigger man?

However, it is interesting that you single me out for being ugly, but never anyone else-and there are lots of folks here who make unsolicited attacks & threats here. Much worse than my ugly responses to ugly attacks. Maybe you’re being selective in your outrage because you disagree with my positions & that’s why you are being passive aggressive.
Why don’t you call out thatoneokieguy?

Yes, I am a bit selective.
1) We (You and I) have had our friction in the early covid days. There were multiple times you were very 'ugly' towards me (which was completely unnecessary). During those times, I mostly tried NOT to reply in-kind, maintain a respectful discussion, and NOT escalate the insults.
2) I've had others users that posted mean/pointed comments at me, and I did the same (non-escalation, stay respectful).

I expect some emotion in heated discussions. I expect to take some heat when I'm arguing the other point. I take the heat, but I don't try to fan the flames, or agitate/insult the other poster.
Usually other posters will post an ugly comment towards me, I try responding in a respectful manner, and the other poster cools their tone.
I try showing the respect FIRST, and it usually comes back. This is how it works.

YOUR baseline tactic is generally to demean the other poster, call them wrong, toss out insults, ....and then say "respect gets respect. " [insert big eye-roll here].

I give others a benefit of the doubt when they toss out insults. It's usually a infrequent occurrence, and water under the bridge. The discussion continues.

YOU use insults as a baseline tactic on a regular basis. Hence, why I tend to focus on you, rather then others.

Look, I'm not the "Polite Police".
You don't have to listen to me at all.
Although, there's a lot of folks that have a lot of resentment towards you, and for very good reason.

OkcBob: "As I’ve said respect gets respect. "
Consider this, if you think respect MUST start from the other guy. ....How's that worked out for you over the last 4 years?

Consider changing your tone, demeanor, and tactics.
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Special Hen
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks for the “compliment “. 😀
If you don’t wanna get worn out, just be respectful instead of insulting me out of the blue with an unsolicited insulting post directed at me. Polite discourse is much more tolerable. Also, any Covid topic is going to be heated, so drop the Covid talk-OU football is more interesting these days anyway.
I'll do one. Well you have stated that you have watched people die that took IVM. Were they not also treated with the best medical care you or others could offer? Does that also mean all of those treatments provided are without merit?

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