I say instead - let's shrink the large number of ready combat ground forces and focus on modernization - keeping a core of highly trained forward thinking and constantly innovating senior NCOs, and officers. Also for the forces that we do keep - time to tilt toward air and sea power and modernized equipment.
It would be a nice thought to think that wars could just be fought with hi-tech gizmonitry and big long range guns that go boom. But, the reality played out in Desert Storm and to the wars today, you can big boom the crap out of your enemy but unless you kill every single one of them, you still have to have the boots on the ground to secure said ground. Even in Viet Nam the massive B-52 strikes didn't kill that many VC, they dug underground and when the bombs stopped, they went about their business.
The weapons of war change, but the fundamentals of war rarely change. But, after seeing the US mil think it has changed the fundamentals of war and not realize that it really hasn't changed, it doesn't suprise me to hear someone else blow and go about leaner meaner quick strike forces. Same was said right after Desert Storm and numbers of troops dropped because we'd never fight another war of occupation. So let's see, we've had large forces in Iraq & Afghanistan for how long. Oh, so multiple deployments aren't that big a deal...Jeeze I want to cuss right now.