Do we need still need the "press"?

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Apr 14, 2010
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Christian Science Monitor is the most politically non biased but it's not exactly fast news.....certainly not breaking news since it's a weekly .....but it is what turned up during my research .....just don't read religion articles in CSM
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Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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We damn well better need the press. Can't just pick and choose the Constitutional rights we support and as stated above, the cornerstone is freedom of speech and the press.
POTUS needs to grow up.
I couldn't stand Obama and Hillary would have been a nightmare, but Trump is losing his mind.
He's acting like a 14 year old girl, tweeting.
I voted for the idiot because I saw no other choice from the GOP.
There's some very smart people here. Above my curve indeed, and some of you guys/girls have to agree that Trump is embarrassing at times.
I read on OSA, that Trump's twitters are perfectly acceptable, because he's standing up to a bully....or some silly **** like.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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As stupid as Trump's twittering is, the media claiming that the WWE/Trump/CNN tweet encourages violence against journalists is a bit melodramatic.

melodramatic - exaggerated and emotional or sentimental;sensational or sensationalized; overdramatic.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2009
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As stupid as Trump's twittering is, the media claiming that the WWE/Trump/CNN tweet encourages violence against journalists is a bit melodramatic.
melodramatic - exaggerated and emotional or sentimental;sensational or sensationalized; overdramatic.
To say the least:

Media Horrified After Trump Tweets Video Body-Slamming CNN
Journalists reacted in horror Sunday morning after President Trump tweeted a fake video that showed him body-slamming “fraud news” CNN in a fake wrestling match.

While many of the president’s supporters online reacted to the video with humor, the consensus among journalists seemed to be that Trump was inciting violence against the media.


“It is a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters,” CNN said in a statement responding to the tweet.

ABC News’ chief political analyst Matthew Dowd claimed Trump is “advocating violence against media” and demanded Republican leaders “put country over party” in response to the fake video of fake wrestling.

“Around the world, journalists are murdered with impunity on a regular basis,” Poynter managing editor Ben Mullin gravely stated. “This isn’t funny.”

CNN commentator Ana Navarro called the tweet “an incitement to violence” in an appearance on ABC News. “He is going to get somebody killed in the media,” she claimed.


New York Times reporter Alan Rappeport called the president’s tweet “A call for violence against the media.”

ABC News’ Martha Raddatz took the fake video seriously in an interview with Homeland Security adviser Thomas Bossert. “That seems like a threat,” Raddatz asserted. “No one would perceive that as a threat,” Bossert replied.

The Washington Post headlined its news coverage of the tweet, “Trump appears to promote violence against CNN with tweet.” WaPo reporter David Nakamura wrote: “A day after defending his use of social media as befitting a ‘modern day’ president, President Trump appeared to promote violence against CNN in a tweet.”

Atlantic editor David Frum similarly took the president’s tweet to mean that he was encouraging violence against the media.

New York Magazine writer Frank Rich called the president’s tweet “insanity” and “an attempt that might be successful to drum up violence against journalists.”


MSNBC producer Kyle Griffin suggested that the fake video proved wrong deputy White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ statement that “The president in no way, form, or fashion has ever encouraged any form of violence.” Numerous other journalists on Twitter expressed similar sentiments about the fake video.

“Did Greg Gianforte inspire this?” New York Magazine writer Yashar Ali wondered, before comparing the president’s tweet to Kathy Griffin’s mock beheading of the president.

“This is sick. This is disturbing. This is pathological. This is violent. This is reckless. This is authoritarian,” wrote Mother Jones editor David Corn, who is also an MSNBC analyst.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
To say the least:

Media Horrified After Trump Tweets Video Body-Slamming CNN
Journalists reacted in horror Sunday morning after President Trump tweeted a fake video that showed him body-slamming “fraud news” CNN in a fake wrestling match.

While many of the president’s supporters online reacted to the video with humor, the consensus among journalists seemed to be that Trump was inciting violence against the media.


“It is a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters,” CNN said in a statement responding to the tweet.

ABC News’ chief political analyst Matthew Dowd claimed Trump is “advocating violence against media” and demanded Republican leaders “put country over party” in response to the fake video of fake wrestling.

“Around the world, journalists are murdered with impunity on a regular basis,” Poynter managing editor Ben Mullin gravely stated. “This isn’t funny.”

CNN commentator Ana Navarro called the tweet “an incitement to violence” in an appearance on ABC News. “He is going to get somebody killed in the media,” she claimed.


New York Times reporter Alan Rappeport called the president’s tweet “A call for violence against the media.”

ABC News’ Martha Raddatz took the fake video seriously in an interview with Homeland Security adviser Thomas Bossert. “That seems like a threat,” Raddatz asserted. “No one would perceive that as a threat,” Bossert replied.

The Washington Post headlined its news coverage of the tweet, “Trump appears to promote violence against CNN with tweet.” WaPo reporter David Nakamura wrote: “A day after defending his use of social media as befitting a ‘modern day’ president, President Trump appeared to promote violence against CNN in a tweet.”

Atlantic editor David Frum similarly took the president’s tweet to mean that he was encouraging violence against the media.

New York Magazine writer Frank Rich called the president’s tweet “insanity” and “an attempt that might be successful to drum up violence against journalists.”


MSNBC producer Kyle Griffin suggested that the fake video proved wrong deputy White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ statement that “The president in no way, form, or fashion has ever encouraged any form of violence.” Numerous other journalists on Twitter expressed similar sentiments about the fake video.

“Did Greg Gianforte inspire this?” New York Magazine writer Yashar Ali wondered, before comparing the president’s tweet to Kathy Griffin’s mock beheading of the president.

“This is sick. This is disturbing. This is pathological. This is violent. This is reckless. This is authoritarian,” wrote Mother Jones editor David Corn, who is also an MSNBC analyst.

If Steven Cobert did the same scenario with the press beating up the President, the Media would be trashing anybody that protested against it as anti constitutional, and attempting to limit the first ammendment.
The fawking snowflakes have met their match and he is "trumping" them.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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If Steven Cobert did the same scenario with the press beating up the President, the Media would be trashing anybody that protested against it as anti constitutional, and attempting to limit the first ammendment.
The fawking snowflakes have met their match and he is "trumping" them.

The only thing he is trumping, is his chance for a second term. The President and I have about the same chances of being sworn in, in January 2021.

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