Edmond cops WTH

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Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
If that's the actual facts of the stop, the people who get stopped often generalize what happened turning something that was completely legal into something illegal. However, assuming he told you exactly what happened I would go to EPD and file a complaint. He doesn't need a badge number or name, there will be record of the traffic stop on file so don't let them tell you otherwise. All you need is the time, date and tag number and they can determine who the officer was. I'm a former LEO and I wouldn't let this go. IF he was completely factual about the details it was an illegal stop and making everything after it illegal including the search of the car and the pat down. That officer needs to be held accountable for his actions. That said I would double check with your son that what he told you was exactly how it happened so you don't go in there and find out otherwise. Again, assuming, what your son said was factual, I would be all over this.

During my time as a LEO, I'd say 95% of all the LEO's I knew were all stand up people who did it the right way but that 5% that didn't made everyone look bad. These guys don't get canned because most people just complain about their interaction with the officer at home but don't file complaints or don't keep after the department to do something. Any officer can make mistakes and we citizens have to understand that but what we are talking about here isn't a mistake it's obviously an intentional illegal use of authority. Don't let it slide, bad LEO's have to be held accountable.


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
LTown to the Lst
Not if you're ok with burning American women and children alive.
I dont know what that means, but it did unsettle me a bit...8/

This right here, I hold ALL people accountable , including my self....threats as above only propogate more unsettlement....that wont be good for anyone....PERIOD

Thank You Ma'm, for a thorough explaination... ;)
If that's the actual facts of the stop, the people who get stopped often generalize what happened turning something that was completely legal into something illegal. However, assuming he told you exactly what happened I would go to EPD and file a complaint. He doesn't need a badge number or name, there will be record of the traffic stop on file so don't let them tell you otherwise. All you need is the time, date and tag number and they can determine who the officer was. I'm a former LEO and I wouldn't let this go. IF he was completely factual about the details it was an illegal stop and making everything after it illegal including the search of the car and the pat down. That officer needs to be held accountable for his actions. That said I would double check with your son that what he told you was exactly how it happened so you don't go in there and find out otherwise. Again, assuming, what your son said was factual, I would be all over this.

During my time as a LEO, I'd say 95% of all the LEO's I knew were all stand up people who did it the right way but that 5% that didn't made everyone look bad. These guys don't get canned because most people just complain about their interaction with the officer at home but don't file complaints or don't keep after the department to do something. Any officer can make mistakes and we citizens have to understand that but what we are talking about here isn't a mistake it's obviously an intentional illegal use of authority. Don't let it slide, bad LEO's have to be held accountable.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
S of OKC
Thanks Brandi, This was the story I got I had about 10 min before I had to leave this morning, he will be working late tonight I will not be able to have a face to face with him probably tomorrow night he may or may not remember the complete details but I will talk to him & get his story down to the last detail, i'll try & talk to him by phone but we are both working so that is not a good option. If there is no reason for the stop he can tell me i will take it to the EPD. I hope it all works out for the better like you said it only takes 1 bad apple to tarnish all the good ones


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2009
Reaction score
OKC metro
Very slipper slope, as an adult you all say to not give consent. That answer differs when you are a younger teenager with a LEO in your face trying to do what your parents taught in to respect authority.

Cedar Creek

Special Hen
May 31, 2010
Reaction score
SW Oklahoma
I thought an officer would need permission or some kind of probable cause to search our vehicles. Maybe the young fellow was being compliant and said "OK" when the officer asked if he could search; a young person who has been taught to be respectful and compliant with authority figures shouldn't be an easy mark for a bully. This brings back memories of my experiences with a small minority of law officers when I was a young man that went bad because of I had a low tolerance for being pushed or threatened when I was right.

How old is the young man? My feel is that it would be best for him to speak to the officer's supervisor on his own.

Cedar Creek

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