Well its been a fiery week. Had a pretty good one in town on Monday started by a smoker. She discarded her cigarette under her wooden porch of her trailer house. 20 minutes later her porch was fully engulfed with fire and the underneath side of her trailer. It moved south pushed by a 40 mph north wind across a grass field quickly approaching a 5 building apartment complex, small mobile home park and elementary school. Before it was all extinguished her trailer home was totaled. Neighbor trailer had extensive external fire damage, smoke damage inside, about 120 yards of wood fence burned, 2 cars at the apartment complex were burnt. All in all a good save. As the origin of the fire was in a mobile home park with narrow lot spacing. The grass field burned up to another mobile home park and those trailers were saved. The cars at the apartment complex were parked 30 or so deep next to the wooden fence. We had about 5 fire calls today within a 6 hour span.