Favorite Zombie Movie

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Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
cold, dark
"The Midnight Meat Train" has some knarly subway zombies that have to be fed daily by a 'butcher'. The butcher murders people with a huge silver hammer on a train that only goes to the end of a subway line underground,where he drops off the dead bodies for the zombies to eat so they dont come up to the surface looking for 'food'. The movies story was taken from a short story by Clive Barker of the same name that he wrote in 1984 in a collection of short stories. Awesome movie. Really gory and graphic. It has the guy who played Bullet Tooth Tony in "Snatch' and the big badassed mute dude in "Gone in Sixty Seconds" as the butcher and Bradley Cooper. Highly recommend.

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