Federal Judge in Kansas Rules Machine Gun Bans Are Unconstitutional

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Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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You don't know anything , you weren't involved in the 2A fight and don't remember anything more than 5 minutes old . You are literally the problem , how are you going to effectively advocate for ANYTHING when you can't even provide any background or context or intelligently articulate why or how something came to be?

You have less than zero knowledge and yet you run your mouth and vote for things you have no clue about. I don't need or want your opinion and bless your heart . You're not even gum stuck to the sole of a boot on those who put in the real work of being 2A advocates. You can thank people like me and giants like Neal Knox (RIP) for you having all the 2A victories that have born fruit in the last 25 years .

Now let the adults talk and you might learn something
Who is Neal Knox?
Pretty sure it’s time for warm milk your blood pressure is a little high. Goose flah blah mister. Your not a very nice person blaming mid youngsters for your actions. Look here buddy I was not 5 mins old, more 2 minutes. If you would have used this energy and time when you were active in “2A” fight we might be some where today. This is not a place for name calling and hatefulness. So watch it buddy. This platform is a safe lace. Comprende?

Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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The real problem was, and still is, not enough common people involved in the political process. If people go out in droves to vote out the gun grabbers, they will stop trying to take our guns. Instead we get small voter turnouts except in the big cities and idiots claiming their vote does not count. Every vote counts.
Dang you do have some common sense when the clouds rise above!


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Oct 9, 2012
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Who is Neal Knox?
Pretty sure it’s time for warm milk your blood pressure is a little high. Goose flah blah mister. Your not a very nice person blaming mid youngsters for your actions. Look here buddy I was not 5 mins old, more 2 minutes. If you would have used this energy and time when you were active in “2A” fight we might be some where today. This is not a place for name calling and hatefulness. So watch it buddy. This platform is a safe lace. Comprende?
You really should look in to who he was, what he exposed in the NRA, and read some of his writings.

I agree with your principled argument against infringement, but you're putting on a grand display of ignorance.


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Jan 12, 2007
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After the passage of the 1968 Gun Control Act The ATF gained a lot of power and began prosecuting individual gun owners at very high rates this continued through the Nixon Administration and went into overdrive during the Carter years by 1982 75% of all ATF prosecutions were individual gun owners and during those years the Carter Administration was actively working to reduce the number of licenses FFL dealers and doing a really good job at it . Additionally people were being prosecuted whole sale for crossing state lines with a gun in their vehicle. The FOPA created the safe passage rule which eliminated the possibility of you being arrested simply from driving through a state with your legally owned firearm. Additionally The FOPA legalized FFL's doing business at temporary locations (trade shows and gun shows) It eliminated the licensee requirements to sell ammunition and allowed the sale of mail order ammunition . Remember how just a little bit ago I talked about the ATF going after people like a rabid dog off the chain? well it put guard rails around what a "prohibited person was" and curtailed other prosecution efforts.

I am not saying everything in the FOPA was good but it on the whole did more good than bad , also when it was passed there were 175,000 licensed machine guns in the US it just wasn't something the average gun owner of the time generally thought about and yes historical context matters .

Anyone else old enough to remember when ammunition sales had to be recored ? Yeah that was a thing oh and it also ended up allowing for surplus guns to be imported again after that tap being almost completely shut off by the 1968 GCA

So tell me again how horrible it was in the grand scheme of things
It's cute that you think it actually did that. Just like it's cute that you actually think it stopped anti-gun administrations from slashing FFL dealer numbers, or targeting gun show sellers and restricting ammunition sales. It didn't stop the Bush (41) Administration from targeting private gun owners like John Lawmaster, nor did it stop his '89 AWB. It didn't stop Clinton & Reno from targeting private gun owners like Weaver and Koresh.

It didn't stop the Obama Administration from trashing us as "bitter, clinging to guns & religion" while he ran Fast & Furious to strip us of our rights. No one lost their jobs over that except the whistleblowers.

More recently, it didn't stop the Biden Administration from ruining Russell Fincher's life and murdering Bryan Malinowski. BTW, states like Maryland, New York and New Jersey still routinely arrest, jail, prosecute and imprison people for perfectly legal guns in transit across their borders. No one loses so much as an hour of pay for those abuses.

Did the '86 FOPA do some good? Sure, but let's not overstate what we got for what we gave up. The best sandwich in the world will still smell & taste like feces, if you smear a thin layer of feces on it.

Before you denigrate me for not "remembering", my American Rifleman magazines rarely made it to me in in a timely manner in 1986, while I was serving in the Marines in the North Atlantic Ocean.


Armish farmer
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Dec 31, 2022
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It's cute that you think it actually did that. Just like it's cute that you actually think it stopped anti-gun administrations from slashing FFL dealer numbers, or targeting gun show sellers and restricting ammunition sales. It didn't stop the Bush (41) Administration from targeting private gun owners like John Lawmaster, nor did it stop his '89 AWB. It didn't stop Clinton & Reno from targeting private gun owners like Weaver and Koresh.

It didn't stop the Obama Administration from trashing us as "bitter, clinging to guns & religion" while he ran Fast & Furious to strip us of our rights. No one lost their jobs over that except the whistleblowers.

More recently, it didn't stop the Biden Administration from ruining Russell Fincher's life and murdering Bryan Malinowski. BTW, states like Maryland, New York and New Jersey still routinely arrest, jail, prosecute and imprison people for perfectly legal guns in transit across their borders. No one loses so much as an hour of pay for those abuses.

Did the '86 FOPA do some good? Sure, but let's not overstate what we got for what we gave up. The best sandwich in the world will still smell & taste like feces, if you smear a thin layer of feces on it.

Before you denigrate me for not "remembering", my American Rifleman magazines rarely made it to me in in a timely manner in 1986, while I was serving in the Marines in the North Atlantic Ocean.
It's always a policy argument, and never whether the feds have ever had any authority to do any such thing.
Soon as anyone talks about how it should be done, the debate is over.
Very unfortunate so many have been taken by this type of thinking.


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Oct 9, 2012
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It's cute that you think it actually did that. Just like it's cute that you actually think it stopped anti-gun administrations from slashing FFL dealer numbers, or targeting gun show sellers and restricting ammunition sales. It didn't stop the Bush (41) Administration from targeting private gun owners like John Lawmaster, nor did it stop his '89 AWB. It didn't stop Clinton & Reno from targeting private gun owners like Weaver and Koresh.

It didn't stop the Obama Administration from trashing us as "bitter, clinging to guns & religion" while he ran Fast & Furious to strip us of our rights. No one lost their jobs over that except the whistleblowers.

More recently, it didn't stop the Biden Administration from ruining Russell Fincher's life and murdering Bryan Malinowski. BTW, states like Maryland, New York and New Jersey still routinely arrest, jail, prosecute and imprison people for perfectly legal guns in transit across their borders. No one loses so much as an hour of pay for those abuses.

Did the '86 FOPA do some good? Sure, but let's not overstate what we got for what we gave up. The best sandwich in the world will still smell & taste like feces, if you smear a thin layer of feces on it.

Before you denigrate me for not "remembering", my American Rifleman magazines rarely made it to me in in a timely manner in 1986, while I was serving in the Marines in the North Atlantic Ocean.
For those that don't know:

I used to deal with Johnny quite a bit. Nice guy, and the ATF folks screwed him good.

And oddly enough, when he was set to be heard - he died in a car wreck.



Armish farmer
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Dec 31, 2022
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For those that don't know:

I used to deal with Johnny quite a bit. Nice guy, and the ATF folks screwed him good.

And oddly enough, when he was set to be heard - he died in a car wreck.

Secret evidence and sealed warrants...LanD oF tHe fReE!


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Oct 9, 2012
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Secret evidence and sealed warrants...LanD oF tHe fReE!
Short version:
His ex told ATF he was making machine guns.
He wasn't.
They waited until he was at work and destroyed his house.
His neighbor saw what was going on, called Johnny.
Johnny gets home as ATF scumbags are driving away.
Left note with ATF letterhead stating "nothing found".

Just a few bad apples, I'm sure. He was suing to get them to repair his house.

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