Federal Judge in Kansas Rules Machine Gun Bans Are Unconstitutional

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Big House

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Sep 22, 2009
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NE Oklahoma/Now Florida
I could tell you the real johnny lawmaster story. But it's better to leave sleeping dogs ly.
I was having lunch at simple Simon's pizza with him and another friend when they raided his house.
Let's just say he got real lucky.

F the Feds!


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Reagan did you more good signing the FOPA than bad .

When I read comments like yours it shows your lack of understanding and it points to the possibility you aren’t old enough to have lived through the world post 68 GCA.

Bare in mind that doesn’t mean I was happy with the Hughes Amendment being added in to the FOPA but Im old enough to remember and actually know what happened
You’re out of your dang mind. ALL guns laws are bad. Period. There is ZERO good that comes from them. They are NOT to make us safe. They are done to inch us closer to disarmament. It amazes me how many so called 2A supporters actually support gun restrictions.


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
After the passage of the 1968 Gun Control Act The ATF gained a lot of power and began prosecuting individual gun owners at very high rates this continued through the Nixon Administration and went into overdrive during the Carter years by 1982 75% of all ATF prosecutions were individual gun owners and during those years the Carter Administration was actively working to reduce the number of licenses FFL dealers and doing a really good job at it . Additionally people were being prosecuted whole sale for crossing state lines with a gun in their vehicle. The FOPA created the safe passage rule which eliminated the possibility of you being arrested simply from driving through a state with your legally owned firearm. Additionally The FOPA legalized FFL's doing business at temporary locations (trade shows and gun shows) It eliminated the licensee requirements to sell ammunition and allowed the sale of mail order ammunition . Remember how just a little bit ago I talked about the ATF going after people like a rabid dog off the chain? well it put guard rails around what a "prohibited person was" and curtailed other prosecution efforts.

I am not saying everything in the FOPA was good but it on the whole did more good than bad , also when it was passed there were 175,000 licensed machine guns in the US it just wasn't something the average gun owner of the time generally thought about and yes historical context matters .

Anyone else old enough to remember when ammunition sales had to be recored ? Yeah that was a thing oh and it also ended up allowing for surplus guns to be imported again after that tap being almost completely shut off by the 1968 GCA

So tell me again how horrible it was in the grand scheme of things
Because we shouldn’t have ANY gun laws in the first place. That’s why it’s horrible. And it’s cute that you actually believe the ATF abides by the FOPA. They are a rogue agency and always have been. They do what they want, when they want. And when they murder some of us they get away with it. We just saw it happen recently.

Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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You’re out of your dang mind. ALL guns laws are bad. Period. There is ZERO good that comes from them. They are NOT to make us safe. They are done to inch us closer to disarmament. It amazes me how many so called 2A supporters actually support gun restrictions.

Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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Because we shouldn’t have ANY gun laws in the first place. That’s why it’s horrible. And it’s cute that you actually believe the ATF abides by the FOPA. They are a rogue agency and always have been. They do what they want, when they want. And when they murder some of us they get away with it. We just saw it happen recently.


Special Hen
Aug 21, 2021
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Reagan did you more good signing the FOPA than bad .
This isn't about young or old. This is about a Fudd mentality that's willing to cede concessions to the enemy because, in Fudd World, a partial victory is better than total defeat. Wayne LaPierre's NRA is like that, viz. compromising to the enemy to the point that the NRA has became a toothless, arthritic guard dog.

But Fudd hasn't figured out that that's exactly how the enemy (liberals) work, viz. they accomplish their goals incrementally. And once they extort a concession, they never let it go.

Beautiful Mulberry

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 18, 2023
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This isn't about young or old. This is about a Fudd mentality that's willing to cede concessions to the enemy because, in Fudd World, a partial victory is better than total defeat. Wayne LaPierre's NRA is like that, viz. compromising to the enemy to the point that the NRA has became a toothless, arthritic guard dog.

But Fudd hasn't figured out that that's exactly how the enemy (liberals) work, viz. they accomplish their goals incrementally. And once they extort a concession, they never let it go.

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