Free speech, Garland Tx.

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Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
I just hope we understand the attack within and its not fanatical Muslim terrorists. It is us.

It absolutely IS. US, that is. The fanatics are a distraction, or perhaps a means to prod us in a direction, but there is zero chance the Muslim (or any kind of) terrorists will destroy us from active attacks. We're doing a damn fine job of that without their help. :(


Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Actually, it would be more to describing you than attacking you. If said description sounds a bit like “mocking”, it’s kind of hard not to laugh at the comments you have made. see hear young fella, I'm a funny guy, I have a sense of humor, I've been on this board for about 7 years, I've met lotsa people on here, as you've just said, you've laughed at my comments. Besides, I think for someone to verbally attack you would be a waste of time.You are correct, it's a colossal waste of time, in the older days of OSA, ida a chewed you up n spit you out and had a legendary OSA dog pile on you. Given your responses to a couple of posts just on this thread, you don’t appear to have the capacity to know that you are being mocked or understand what you are being criticized about. Oh the capacity is there, I get it, you act like we ain't talked about free speech and muslims before. There's a hundred threads. I can dish it out, I can take it, my Internet skin is thick and scared. You're just a lil pony in the rodeo, this conversation and your remarks ain't nothing new to me.

But you did bring up a point. This is a forum and with that, one would think that on such a medium if one were to say something he or she would have at least some sort of pride to want to be able to back up what they say.I don't post links or very few, again, most members know I use my own little skill at reason, logic and thought. I don't need fox, cnn, or some BS biased website to prove anything. Most people like to be viewed as credible and not viewed as a functionally illiterate troll. in case you haven't caught on, I'll spell it out to ya. I don't give 2 flips how you view me.

But you don’t really seem to care. right again Einstein

You were asked some questions to your posts. But you not only ran away from the questions, you make up an excuse that not even a reasonably sober twelve year old would use. You go from trying to sound sympathetic and understanding of Muslims to sending them without passing “Go” to concentration camps. Describing that behavior … trolling threads and not having the capacity to understand much less back up what was posted is hardly attacking. It is more to observing and describing rather pathetic behavior. Do you hear that a lot?No I've never heard that, say it really loud next time, I'm pretty far away and I've lost some hearing. In fact other than a youtube link I don't hear much on this forum. Do you hear voices?

Please quit.


Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Are we done here? I'm going to bed, I'll prolly just Lurk tomorrow, gonna meet up with some gun buddies and solve the world's real problems. So please don't expect me to respond.

Hint for K9 fella, nows your chance to try to get in some cheap shots.


Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
One of gellers friends who was a guest speaker at this "free speech" rally wants to ban the Qur'an in his own country as well as create prejudiced immigration laws....and he was there, talking about freedom. Pam herself agrees: "Deport these savages. And stop Muslim immigration from jihadist regions." she is an islamaphobe spreading hate and stirring up her own radicals, and is no better than the likes of the kkk or the black panthers. She certainly has a right to say what she wants but she is no civil rights hero. The only reason she's in the news is because she stirred up the rattle snake nest (again) and somebody got hurt. I doubt she even cares somebody got hurt, she's just glad to be back in the news. She's a hypocrite and her only mission in life is to destroy all Muslims while preaching that they are trying to do the same to you.

Transmitted via Tactical Telecommunications Device

Comparing muslims to rattlesnakes.........


Special Hen
Sep 6, 2005
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I find it funny how the media condemns Pam Geller for drawing a picture of Muhammad (which Muslims find offensive) yet they promote the gay agenda (which Muslims find offensive). Talk about a double standard. I don't think the media cares about Muslims or gays. They just take whatever side promotes their liberal agenda.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
Woody, I have 2 degrees now. 1 in Philosophy and the other in Religious studies with emphasis on Christology. I'm not a pro on Islam but I've got beyond a laymens grasp.

The nonsense I've seen posted about Islam, on this board, about Jihad, converting, infidels ect. is just drivel. There is some truth but not much.

Much like some of the Old testament, people cherry pick parts of the Koran that most Mooslims don't give much credence to. That's why most if the millions of Islamists don't observe Sharia, like a few do.

Do a little research on the Amish and you'll find they treat women, kids, as bad as those under Sharia. Plus they have a disdain of Americans, America and our Constitution much greater than that of most Mooslims. They don't acknowledge our laws or rights, in fact if it wasn't for our laws and rights, they wouldn't exist in the U.S. One thing they don't do is chop off heads or blow things up. They are our beloved Amish and they despise us.

Let's see, Muslims lining Christians along a beach and carving their heads off, with no other Muslims interfering say a lot about those Muslims who don't follow the Sharia law.

Oh, and yes, the Amish don't carve off heads - nor the heads of women and children who refuse to follow the Amish way. The Amish are here because they are free to exercise their religion. Unlike what you have said, they do follow the law even if it is contrary to their law - ergo the lights on their wagons. Muslims are here to force us to follow their law or die.


Jim Bob

Special Hen
Nov 17, 2008
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tulsa area
I want to live in a country where people mind their own business and have the freedom to do anything they want unless it harms someone else. That's what FREEDOM is! Agreeing or disagreeing with Pam Geller doesn't harm anyone.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
Coded-Dude said:
Pam herself agrees: "Deport these savages. And stop Muslim immigration from jihadist regions." she is an islamaphobe spreading hate and stirring up her own radicals, and is no better than the likes of the kkk or the black panthers.

Why would you attribute or equate common sense to hate? Pam knows the threat Muslims are to us non-Muslims and isn't afraid to point it out. The KKK and Black Panthers do appear to be based in hate, though. There is nothing commonsensical about what they do or why. Make cartoons about them and you'll likely find yourself nailed to a burning cross, or spend the last remaining seconds of your consciousness staring at your body from several feet away. Hmm, seems the KKK and Black panthers are more like Muslims than like Pam Geller and company.


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