Good Article on the Media's Take on "Good Guy with a Gun"

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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
They are scattered throughout the article, but a number of folks are "defending" the use of firearms to stop mass shootings instead of taking the majority of the media's take that it is "rare and dangerous."

FOX News - Media Downplays Good Samaritan Narrative Following Indiana Shooting

"Douglas Jefferson, the Senior Vice President for the National African American Gun Association, offered Fox News Digital a different perspective, arguing armed citizens are a "critical part" of preventing mass shootings from turning more deadly.

"Dealing with an active shooter is dangerous under any circumstances. Because of this, we believe law-abiding citizens should have the right to carry firearms for protection as well as have the option to use said firearms to counter active shooters since law enforcement cannot be everywhere at once. The tragedy in Indiana showed that motivated armed citizenry are a critical part of stopping such tragedies from becoming worse than they already are," he said."


"Lara Smith, the national spokesperson for the Liberal Gun Club, said that the statistic on the rarity of mass shooting interventions broadcasted by the media was legitimate and helpful for the world to realize how rare such mass shooting episodes relatively are. However, Smith acknowledged that the media can be biased on specific topics surrounding guns, but not because they are trying to have a bias.

"I was really pleased to see the AP style guide, you know, has finally stopped referring to AR-15s as weapons of war, like that. That just came out, I don't know, last week, the week before. So I think that there is starting to be a better understanding of some of the technical parts of it," Smith told Fox News Digital. "A lot of people in the gun world don't talk to the press. They don't talk to the mainstream media. So if you're only getting information from [gun control groups] Brady, Giffords, that kind of thing, you do have an agenda... If your only inputs are either, the kind of standard NRA talking points or Giffords, Bloomberg, the reporting becomes biased not because the reporters are biased, but because they can only get one side of the story as input. So when they get good input, the reporting is better.""

And another:

"Stephen Gutowksi, founder of The Reload website that focuses on gun policy and politics, told Fox News Digital he believes media coverage of firearms should focus more on how they're most commonly used.

"That's what tends to be missing," Gutowski said. "While there is a lot of coverage of the criminal use of firearms, there's comparatively little coverage of guns being used in self-defense despite every credible estimate showing the latter to be more common. And the normal use of guns for target shooting, hunting, competition, or recreational shooting is almost never covered even though that is how the vast majority of firearms are used by the vast majority of people in everyday life.""

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