I have $1,200 - Help me build a tack-driving 10/22,,,

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Jul 30, 2010
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I'm still not ready to order any components,,,
The Hernandez book did answer a lot of my questions,,,
But I still have other unanswered concerns before I spend any cash.

I am convinced of one thing though,,,
For my first build it's going to be the budget rifle.

In my many past hobby endeavors I've made the mistake,,,
Of going overboard on my first outing into it.

Many years ago I got into RC Airplanes,,,
Instead of building a slow floater to learn to fly with,,,
I built a beautiful (and expensive) Pattern Racer Airplane.

I think I got about 45 seconds of flight time with it,,,
Before my very inexperienced self crashed it,,,
A very expensive lesson was learned.

Baby steps at first Aarond,,,
Baby steps.


Jul 30, 2010
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I'd pimp out the at 1 you have
Unless you're looking to trade it away

Nah, she's a proven shooter just the way she is,,,
I have her (Ursula) all set-up for long range shooting.

The last range trip before my cancer surgery,,,
I hit a "Ram" silhouette at 200 yards.

Remember, this build is meant to be a gift for a friend,,,
Ursula is all mine and isn't going anywhere.

This build is mainly to satisfy my "wonder if I can do it" itch,,,
And if this first budget build works out well,,,
I might have a new hobby.


Jul 30, 2010
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Well, I have some new insights as to this first 10/22 build,,,
I simply got into a conversation with my friend,,,
About the 10/22 I plan to build for myself.

So it turns out that ever since he built his first two AR-Style rifles,,,
He's been toying with the idea of building a "Hunter",,,
Based on a used 10/22 rifle he hasn't bought yet.

Even though he usually shoots from a shooting bench,,,
He much prefers shooting at reactive targets,,,
He owns one of those steel spinners,,,
With the 3", 2", and 1" targets.

Basically he thinks that to consistently hit the 1" at 100 yards,,,
And maybe the bigger discs at farther distances,,,
Would be the range fun he wants to have.

I asked him about buying a 10/22 that has already been "accurized",,,
His reply was that he would like to do the modifications himself,,,
That the true enjoyment of shooting an accurate rifle,,,
Would be knowing he built it himself.

His thinking was to take the stock Ruger and put a .920 barrel on it,,,
And see just how accurate he can shoot it.

Then start futzing with trigger mods,,,
To determine how much that changes his accuracy.

Then start futzing with the bolt,,,
Again to determine if or how much it affects the accuracy.

I also found he's not attracted to fancy laminate stocks,,,
He prefers a more utilitarian field/hunter stock.

So, that changed my ideas of what gift to create for him quite a bit,,,
He would rather build it and experiment with it,,,
Than be handed a match quality rifle.

Now I'm thinking that a Ruger receiver, bolt, and BX trigger should be the base,,,
I will install a decent barrel on it and probably a threaded one,,,
He did say that he wants to have a "silenced" rifle.

As for a stock I'm thinking to just put it all in a Magpul MOE X-22 stock,,,
It's a very inexpensive stock that seems to get favorable reviews.

If he likes it fine, but if he decides to replace it,,,
Not much money has been wasted.

When we discussed scopes I found out he already has a good scope,,,
It's a Vortex Rimfire 2-7 Rimfire sitting in his cabinet.

So he definitely would rather have a "basic" receiver/bolt/trigger,,,
And go from there.

I'm thinking of buying that from either sapoutfitters.com,,,
A decent 18" .920 Barrel (I'm thinking Shaw),,,
And the Magpul stock.

Then gift that "kit" to him instead of a completed rifle.

I won't need to spend much more that $550.00 to do this,,,
It's disappointing that I won't be the "builder" of it,,,
But I'm positive that I will be involved in it.

I didn't know he has created a "gunsmith table" in his shop,,,
He's already offered to let me be his "assistant",,,
When he builds his next AR-Style rifle.

Tomorrow I'll contact The Evil Pawn Shop Guy,,,
About ordering that complete receiver from sapoutfitters.

As soon as that gets here I'll order a barrel and the stock.

This build project has mutated quite a bit since it's conception,,,
But I think that this one will (might?) be the final version.

But who knows,,,
This too could easily change.


Last edited:
Jul 30, 2010
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build yourself one along side your buddy.

That's exactly what I intend to do my friend,,,
But I'm going to go overboard on mine.

I want to assemble (I can't really use the word build),,,
What I would call a "No Alibi's Allowed" rifle.

One that has so much inherent precision,,,
That when I fail to smack the bulls eye,,,
It will be like that Led Zeppelin tune,,,
"Ain't Nobody's Fault but My Own".

I'm thinking a rifle with all KIDD components,,,
A truly deluxe Tactical Riflescope,,,
And a madly sexy Blue stock.

I'm 72 years old, retired, financially stable,,,
Just once before I take the dirt nap,,,
I desire to go all out on a rifle,,,
Not do the cheap-out thing.


Jul 30, 2010
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O-Kay now,,,
I received the book, Customize the Ruger 10/22,,,
By James and Kathleen House.

It is far better for detailed information than the Hernandez book,,,
Except for the color pictures of several custom builds,,,
I'll probably never open that book again.

Okay, there were a few charts that I found informative,,,
But all in all the House book is far superior.

The pics in the House book are all B&W,,,
That's a bummer only for the pictures of the builds.

I've read the first three chapters,,,
I've learned a ton about the 10/22 rifle.

I also enhanced my knowledge of many general rimfire topics,,,
The information is very detailed and easy to understand.

So if anyone asks which book to buy,,,
The House book is hands down superior.

Too cold/snowy for me to go outside,,,
But I'll spend the day devouring this book,,,
And hopefully order the receiver assembly and barrel this week.

I'm definitely going with a complete Ruger receiver with BX-1 trigger,,,
I have yet to decide which barrel to order,,,
Definitely the Magpul MOE stock.

Back to reading about the mysteries,,,
Of the Ruger 10/22 rifle.


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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 28, 2021
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Well, I have some new insights as to this first 10/22 build,,,
I simply got into a conversation with my friend,,,
About the 10/22 I plan to build for myself.

So it turns out that ever since he built his first two AR-Style rifles,,,
He's been toying with the idea of building a "Hunter",,,
Based on a used 10/22 rifle he hasn't bought yet.

Even though he usually shoots from a shooting bench,,,
He much prefers shooting at reactive targets,,,
He owns one of those steel spinners,,,
With the 3", 2", and 1" targets.

Basically he thinks that to consistently hit the 1" at 100 yards,,,
And maybe the bigger discs at farther distances,,,
Would be the range fun he wants to have.

I asked him about buying a 10/22 that has already been "accurized",,,
His reply was that he would like to do the modifications himself,,,
That the true enjoyment of shooting an accurate rifle,,,
Would be knowing he built it himself.

His thinking was to take the stock Ruger and put a .920 barrel on it,,,
And see just how accurate he can shoot it.

Then start futzing with trigger mods,,,
To determine how much that changes his accuracy.

Then start futzing with the bolt,,,
Again to determine if or how much it affects the accuracy.

I also found he's not attracted to fancy laminate stocks,,,
He prefers a more utilitarian field/hunter stock.

So, that changed my ideas of what gift to create for him quite a bit,,,
He would rather build it and experiment with it,,,
Than be handed a match quality rifle.

Now I'm thinking that a Ruger receiver, bolt, and BX trigger should be the base,,,
I will install a decent barrel on it and probably a threaded one,,,
He did say that he wants to have a "silenced" rifle.

As for a stock I'm thinking to just put it all in a Magpul MOE X-22 stock,,,
It's a very inexpensive stock that seems to get favorable reviews.

If he likes it fine, but if he decides to replace it,,,
Not much money has been wasted.

When we discussed scopes I found out he already has a good scope,,,
It's a Vortex Rimfire 2-7 Rimfire sitting in his cabinet.

So he definitely would rather have a "basic" receiver/bolt/trigger,,,
And go from there.

I'm thinking of buying that from either sapoutfitters.com,,,
A decent 18" .920 Barrel (I'm thinking Shaw),,,
And the Magpul stock.

Then gift that "kit" to him instead of a completed rifle.

I won't need to spend much more that $550.00 to do this,,,
It's disappointing that I won't be the "builder" of it,,,
But I'm positive that I will be involved in it.

I didn't know he has created a "gunsmith table" in his shop,,,
He's already offered to let me be his "assistant",,,
When he builds his next AR-Style rifle.

Tomorrow I'll contact The Evil Pawn Shop Guy,,,
About ordering that complete receiver from sapoutfitters.

As soon as that gets here I'll order a barrel and the stock.

This build project has mutated quite a bit since it's conception,,,
But I think that this one will (might?) be the final version.

But who knows,,,
This too could easily change.


Your on the right track. For a barrel I would look into Shilen. They are one of the top producers of Match quality barrels and they do have a 10/22 drop in available.
Barrels for the 10/22®
Barrel grade: Match Grade Only
Material: Chrome-moly or Stainless Steel
Twist: 16"
Chamber: Shilen/Bentz, designed for optimum accuracy in semi-autos
Action : These fit Ruger® 10/22® actions that require a tenon fit and dove tail.
Crown: Target

If your pushing out to 100 yards this will help.
Jul 30, 2010
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Your on the right track. For a barrel I would look into Shilen. They are one of the top producers of Match quality barrels and they do have a 10/22 drop in available.

Thanks for the barrel recommendation,,,
I have found their website and have bookmarked it.

I may be wrong about this,,,
But barrels with a "match" chamber,,,
Need to run high-quality match ammunition?

That's the reason I was going with a Shaw barrel,,,
They claim their chambers are sized to accept more common ammo.

For what it's worth the Shaw barrel also has a Bentz chamber,,,
Supposedly (from internet research) it's tighter than a "sporter" chamber,,,
But slightly looser than a "Match" chamber which allows the use of more common ammo.

I do know this about my friend,,,
He will never spend the money for match ammo.

He shoots CCI-SV almost exclusively,,,
Only going to bulk ammo to feed his kids single-shots while plinking.

Again, thanks for the recommendation.


Jul 30, 2010
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Who would have thought that choosing a stock for my rifle would be so stressful,,,
I felt like a woman who can't choose which pair of shoes to buy.

Well, after a lot of picture shuffling and sorting I've finally made my decision,,,
I've decided to go with a Boyd's AT-1 Thumbhole Laminate,,,
And I'm going to get it in Zombie Green.


I know that for everyone of you that says "Cool",,,
There will be a counterpart gagging at the thought.

But hey, I just like it.

I went to a Walmart and looked at one of their Savage rifles with this stock,,,
Not the thumbhole version but an AT-1 and in Zombie Green,,,
It's a bit darker in real life and is quite eye-catching.

I have the regular AT-1 stock on a CZ rifle,,,
I'm very pleased with the way it adjusts to my body,,,
For the 10/22 semi-auto I thought the thumbhole grip would be nice.

This is the one,,,
The decision has been made,,,
I'll place the order as soon as I have the receiver in hand.



P.S. My buddy is still getting that $69.95 Magpul MOE,,,
I couldn't even begin to choose a nice stock for his build,,,
So I went the other way and decided on this easily replaceable stock.

He can choose his own rifle's "shoes",,,



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