I may need knee surgery, so who's had it?

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
The secret to a happy marriage is NOT a lot of time together. Cherish the time you have, then get out of the house and have fun.

Can you talk to my husband?? :wink2: :rotflmao:


Man good luck on the impending surgery. Being active is one thing, beating your body to death slowly is quite another. By the time you are my age you are gonna be able to predict rain better than Mike Morgan ... :P


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
I have sever pain with total knee replacement. My surgeon is refusing me pain medicine as he does not believe in them. Is there anything I can do? I'm so frustrated and wondering, do I have rights to pain medicine after this major knee surgery? I'm tough but this is torture I'm 51 and stuck at home .

No, you do not have "rights" to pain meds. Get off your arse and do your damned PT ...


Special Hen
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
Friday the 13th, I hyperextended my leg around a guy's rib cage in the 1st half of a soccer game. It was my first game back from breaking my hand in a game 5 weeks earlier. I knew it was going to be bad when it happened. I stayed off it all weekend but it continued to swell over the next couple of days. Monday, I went to the doctor and nothing showed on an x-ray. Doctor said if it's a bad sprain, it may take 4-6 weeks to heal and let's not bother with an MRI yet. He said to stay off it and when the swelling goes down, if it doesn't show improvement over the next week, then we can do an MRI. I used my crutches from a previous injury for about 5 days until I could hobble to the bathroom without them. This was my wife's doctor I went to because they have an x-ray machine in office because my doctor will send me to the hospital for an x-ray.

So fast forward to last week (the 2nd week after the injury) and I still can't put weight on it for very long at all. Like I can only stand maybe 20 minutes even putting most of my weight on my good leg. Walking is difficult. I also can't straighten my leg all the way. It won't lock out. And I can bend it just past 90* so range of motion is limited. I'm having a lot of pain on the inside of my knee. It feels unstable and I'm wearing a hinged knee brace when I get out of my recliner (that I sleep in). I hadn't left the house except maybe 3x in 2 weeks because I can't be up long. I go to my doctor to have an MRI ordered. Appointment was Friday afternoon.

I tell the MRI lady all my issues, what happened and I have limited range of motion with a lot of pain on the inside and stability issues. I say I think it's an MCL issue. I don't believe it's torn all the way because I can hobble around better than I would expect. I'm basically here because I have been working from my computer in my recliner when I'm supposed to be in the field. I plan on going out in the field on Monday, I just want confirmation nothing is wrong, it's a bad sprain and it's okay to walk it off. She says my range of motion issues sound like a meniscus tear but the sharp pains on the inside may be MCL.

After the scan she comes in and says she wants to tell me something. She's very clear that she's not qualified to tell me anything but since it's the weekend and I said I was attempting to hobble around on it, she wanted to give me some advice. She told me to stay off of it and not put any weight on it. She said my ACL, MCL, LCL and some other stuff look great. She said my meniscus may be torn, it appears that is has, but the radiologist has to look at it. That may or may not be on the report Monday at my doctor's office. But that it would make sense give my range of motion issues.

Then she tells me at a minimum, it's very clear that my leg is broken. WTF???? My tibia is broken from the top of the bone right wear the ACL attaches diagonally to the front/inside; anterior tibia fracture. That's why the inside hurts. She's surprised I'm walking as good as I am (which is still pretty bad).

I call my physical therapist from my shoulder surgery on the way home. She said given the range of motion issues, it likely is a meniscus tear and that won't just fix itself. I'll likely need surgery. Of course, nothing is official yet as I won't find anything out until tomorrow. So what am I in for? When can I (will I ever) play soccer again? I'm 36.

TLDR: I'm an idiot. My leg is broken. I probably need knee surgery.

Walk it off you Pu$$y!
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