So I just kicked it on to see what happens. The moment of truth. Still blowing hot air. Squirrel cage runs like there’s no tomorrow. Outside the fan runs great. Listened for the compressor to kick on, it kicked, but it was more of a unenthusiastic high five than a kick; it’s definitely not as strong sounding as it was st week. Last week I can tell when it kicks on if I’m in the kitchen, next to where the unit sits outside. Today I was standing next to it with my hands on the unit and could barely tell it came on. Real faint, more of a tone change than something actually kicking on. Maybe the cap is getting weak and my condenser isn’t actually kicking on?My first thought is Freon , if the motor is not spinning on your outside unit I’d suspect the capacitor. Your squirrel cage motor inside would be blowing hot air if your freon is low.
Doesnt sound like your compressor since you said you hear it engaging.
My .02 cents.
good luck