Immigrant vets face deportation despite service

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Special Hen
Jun 13, 2010
Reaction score
Norman, Oklahoma
Hey dude, any of my guy that came back a little messed up, I'm all for helping. When we got back to Germany we had some issues with guys drinking, fighting and even a couple using drugs. We tried to help them or get them help and were mostly sucessful. I don't remember any of them SELLING drugs because they were mentally/emotionally messed up. Thats not an emotional problem.

And you really have to work at getting a dishonorable discharge. REALLY work at it. You usually have to hit one of the big crimes (murder, rape, selling hardcore drugs, etc). There are a couple of different levels between honorable and dishonorable and it takes some doing to fall that low.

As a vet i feel i am fully within my rights to say, if you are a vet you should be held to a higher standard than most. You are an example of the best of the best. Act like it. If you can't don't try to hide behind your military service.

This guy is a drug dealing parasite who couldn't finish his contract, managed a dishonorable discharge and is trying to use his half a__'d attempt at service as a cowardly shield to dodge what he brought on himself. And painting REAL vets who served the WHOLE term and came out HONORABLE in a negative light Don't just deport him, stick him in a rubber raft floating off the coast of who knows where, give him a knife, a grin and a "good luck".

You hit the nail on the head!!!! :clap3:

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