Good ol Durant PD, We got ran off the road about 5 years or so ago by a roll off truck pulling out of that plumbing place on the back road to Bonham, cops show and since I had Illinois tags I was " A Yankee that needed to pay more attention to the road." 3 cars behind me and the people whose yard I ended up in all witnessed it. The company had the driver park the truck and leave before the cops got there. Yet he still chose to claim it was my fault for not driving fast enough. It was a very peculiar encounter. I won't even buy gas in Durant and when I get sent down there to fix machines I'll drive to another town to buy any parts or materials.It was a fulltime DPD officer ( depends on which D your referring to) But the city has a lot of new officers that are trying to make a name for themselves and push the limit, thankfully the state officer knew who i am and put 2 and 2 together and asked the wife to please beg me to go back to work so things could get done correctly and in a timely matter knowing that when they called day or night i was there quickly to get things done.