Judge violently beats daughter... video just released by the daughter. Very Graphic

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Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
Reaction score
Spring, TX
I know that some people here don't advocate striking a child with anything but their hand however some studies show that using something other than your hand teaches the child to fear that object, not you.

I don't advocate the hitting of a child with anything other than the OPEN hand either, I just wanted to drop some info in this thread I haven't seen posted yet. Something to put in your memory bank and contemplate.


Special Hen
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
I'm better now! I just had a Hersheys dark chocolate with almonds! I'll console myself while getting fat with candy!

Your probably the jackwagon who keeps buying them all up. My dad got me hooked on those when he gave me one to try, now i can't find them anywhere. They are like crack. I must have them! :scream:


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
Reaction score
I'm just now reading this thread, just because the the headline was enough and I really didn't want to watch the video. That guy will end up reaping what he sowed at some point. If nothing else, he'll likely never experience a healthy love with his daughter and that right there is some serious punishment even if he doesn't realize what he'll miss. The sad thing is that the daughter has been denied a healthy love with her father that was not her doing...

Prayers to you peanut. Invitation is always there to come over if you want to have a brew and talk. I'm usually just out in the shop drilling and polishing brass anyway. There's always an extra chair.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
I'm not saying you're the guy in the video, I'm saying and did say that he feels the same way.

He agrees that "Parents are supposed to discipline their children and teach them right from wrong, and proper behavior." His daughter was committing an illegal act, so he had to discipline his child and teach her right from wrong. He agrees that "Spanking is not a first resort, but a proper spanking is NOT child abuse," he just has a different concept of what a "proper spanking" is. And he also agrees that "I don't care what you or anyone else says, even a court of law" because as a family court judge, he obviously knows the law and disregards it.

By the way, a light spanking is probably legal everywhere in the country if you do it at home. The line between what is discipline and what is child abuse is not clearly defined.

The fact is, there are countless children that are brought up without physical discipline and are just as "moral" as people who have been physically disciplined. Spanking your kids as a last resort may be effective, but there may be other effective ways to do it too.
I think you're trying to backpedal, but I believe 100% that you were making an underhanded and uncalled-for reference comparing me (and hence all parents who use corporal punishment) and lumping me in with the abuser in this video.

You will not convince me otherwise, and I think it was very low. What has been said cannot be taken back. Shame on you.

<edit> And I'm done with this topic, as it has regressed beyond salvaging. Any further queries directed to me should be via PM, or better yet, just don't.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
It is apparent that you have never been around an abusive household. It is borderline brainwashing over time. People become so intimidated by the attacker, they feel they are almost omniscent. Not slamming you at all, but there is a huge difference between discipline, tough love, and real actual abuse. Too many people want to whine that they were abused, but really have no idea. Those involved are influenced not only physically, but emotionally hurt and controlled. Most of the time, the emotional and mental is far worse than the physical. Bruises heal, trauma takes a long time.

ETA, I am very glad that you had a real mom, that was willing to protect her kids!!!

+1 Gillman. Coming from a non-abusive family, I never understood it. I always thought "Why the hell would a grown woman put up with abuse? Just leave, goober."

I thought that way because none of the women (yeah, I know men can be abused too...in this case we're talking about women) in my family would have stood for it. Mom and sister? Like hell they'd take abuse. Grandma? Lawl. I didn't realize until later that was because they were raised in a way that taught them to form quasi-healthy relationships.

This isn't the case in every situation, but I've found that the vast majority of women that are victims of spousal abuse had some type of problem with their father/male guardian. I tend to believe that most events have an unbroken chain of prior occurrences. If their father didn't abuse them, at the very least their relationship had major problems. The first man a woman ever loves is usually their father. If the man you love unconditionally and trust to provide for you abuses you as a kid, you have this weird dichotomy between love and abuse that will last the rest of your life. They often don't see how intrinsically wrong it is to take abuse from a loved one, and that leads them to fall in line with the control of the abuser which oftentimes will be their spouse/partner down the road. It's hard for someone who has never been there to understand it, and like many people here it was years before I did.

The first thing that struck me about the wide in this video is her saying "I already spanked her." right off the bat. Seemed like an effort to get the dad NOT to hit the girl. Then we she takes the belt from him, and instead of beating her multiple times all over the body, she only hits her once. She probably saved her 40 licks by doing that. I think she was trying her best to placate the Judge without making things worse.

Let's assume the wife of the Judge was abused as well (because I'm sure a guy like that treats his wife so well...) She would be thinking in the short term. She fears this guy. If she had tried to stop him, he probably would have knocked her to the ground, beat the girl 3 times as severly as he did all the while blaming the mother for it and making her watch. That's kinda how it goes in houses like this. Abuse victims constantly walk on eggshells and give validation to their abuser.

Just curious, but what's the difference between child abuse consisting of being spanked by a belt and discipline consisting of being spanked by a belt?

Where is the line drawn in OSA's eyes? Is it one or two spanks? Three or four? 10+? Does it matter if it happened once? Does it matter if the child exhibited behavior that was "deserving" of discipline?

In my eyes, it's never justified to hit a child, even if they're acting bratty and immature. That's what kids do. To me, a single hit with a belt is child abuse. But I'm wondering where others draw the line, especially those that claim they were disciplined via beating. The girl in this video admits that she was involved in piracy, which led to this discipline. That's not just talking back, it's an actual illegal act that could affect the entire family.

If the girl was found to be having unprotected sex with a much older man, do you think this sort of discipline would be justified? What if she was caught stealing by her father or mother? Or is it never justified?

I see your point. I'm not a fan of physical discipline either, but I think if you look at it objectively you can see the line between abuse.

Abusers aren't disciplinarians. They are insecure, controlling, manipulative people who want to emotionally and mentally break their victim. To equate everyone who has been spanked with victims of abuse is just plain intellectual dishonesty.

The only time I was spanked as a child (I don't even remember it other than from mom telling me) was when I ran out into traffic in a busy parking lot as a youngster. My mom surmises that grabbing me and spanking me in hopes I'd realize the severity of what I did might work. Maybe it worked, maybe it didn't. That's not important. But to say that constitutes an abusive mother/child relationship is ludicrous. That was discipline. It may have been misguided discipline, but anyone with half a shred of objectivity on this issue would not call it abuse.

Abuse is not only physical; there is emotional abuse as well. In fact the emotional effects are the worst part of most physical abuse. To equate a disciplinary spanking with a violent beating at the hands of abuser is the exact same thing as equating a speech like "I'm disappointed in you; I'm taking away X privileges" with "You're a piece of **** nobody loves and I wish you were never born." May as well equate any discipline with emotional abuse.

Again, I think physical discipline is 100% unnecessary and could/would never utilize it, but at least in my opinion I'm able to recognize a difference. I'd call some spankings a bad parenting choice, but I'm not willing to say every kid who was ever spanked is an abuse victim. Abuse is too serious of a term to use haphazardly. That being said I'd just assume society phase out physical discipline altogether as IMO it's totally unnecessary.

And as far as the people condemning the comments towards the dad, you need to look up "hyperbole" and "venting" in the dictionary. Christ.
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Special Hen
Jan 22, 2008
Reaction score
SW Oklahoma

A couple of articles posted below now appear to indicate that it was definitively him. In one interview, the judge goes so far to say that "it looks worse than it was" and that he has since "apologized" for it. Doesn't exactly seem to leave a lot of room for any doubt about whether or not he did it. The daughter has apparently also said that one of the reasons why it took so long for this to come out were that the beatings were so frequent that she just assumed they were normal.

This guy is a class A scumbag. I sincerely hope he goes into general population. Can't wait to see what they do to his ass.




Special Hen
Nov 20, 2010
Reaction score
Man that was sickening, extremely sickening. I got spanked up until about middle school but only about 4 or 5 times in my life and it was never like that. My mom spanked with a belt and it hurt so bad I would be sniffling for the next 10 mins but it never got close to crossing the line into abuse.

In middle school I took the spare car to blockbuster, pizza hut, and to see a couple friends while the parents were out on date night. There happened to be a DUI check point along the way back, needless to say the cops had the vehicle towed and the neighbor had to accompany me on the walk of shame back home. Parents enjoyed their night and came home to proceed with some corrective action. Things like that are childhood memories that I wouldnt trade for anything and I love my mother for being understanding yet teaching me right from wrong.


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
Reaction score
I did a little more research:

Texas Penal Code - Section 9.61. Parent-Child

§ 9.61. PARENT-CHILD. (a) The use of force, but not
deadly force, against a child younger than 18 years is justified:
(1) if the actor is the child's parent or stepparent or
is acting in loco parentis to the child; and
(2) when and to the degree the actor reasonably
believes the force is necessary to discipline the child
or to
safeguard or promote his welfare.
(b) For purposes of this section, "in loco parentis"
includes grandparent and guardian, any person acting by, through,
or under the direction of a court with jurisdiction over the child,
and anyone who has express or implied consent of the parent or

So if he used "non deadly force" to discipline her, it's arguable that what he did was well within the laws of Texas. Damn....


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2011
Reaction score
I think you're trying to backpedal, but I believe 100% that you were making an underhanded and uncalled-for reference comparing me (and hence all parents who use corporal punishment) and lumping me in with the abuser in this video.

You will not convince me otherwise, and I think it was very low. What has been said cannot be taken back. Shame on you.

<edit> And I'm done with this topic, as it has regressed beyond salvaging. Any further queries directed to me should be via PM, or better yet, just don't.
I know you probably won't read this but I'm not backpedalling, I meant what I wrote and I stand by it. I literally meant that the judge shares the same feelings you expressed in that post. I'm sorry you read too deep into that and believed I was getting in a low blow at you, but don't worry, everyone makes mistakes from time to time, even me. Hell, I make a lot of mistakes misinterpreting what people write online. But you have to realize that you made that mistake too. You also have to grow a thick skin; this is the Internet.

I see your point. I'm not a fan of physical discipline either, but I think if you look at it objectively you can see the line between abuse.
Physical discipline vs physical abuse is kind of like obscenity... you know it when you see it, but it's really hard to explain where you draw the line. I'm just trying to figure out where people draw that line. I draw it at 1 physical attack on your child. And it really is an attack. Physical violence another person is only justified, in my opinion, in defense (of another, of yourself, of property, etc), if consensual (sport fighting or where both sides want to fight), or in times of war. Physical violence on a defenseless person probably less than half your size is, in my opinion, uncalled for in any situation, even if it's "for their own good."

I did a little more research:

Texas Penal Code - Section 9.61. Parent-Child

§ 9.61. PARENT-CHILD. (a) The use of force, but not
deadly force, against a child younger than 18 years is justified:
(1) if the actor is the child's parent or stepparent or
is acting in loco parentis to the child; and
(2) when and to the degree the actor reasonably
believes the force is necessary to discipline the child
or to
safeguard or promote his welfare.
(b) For purposes of this section, "in loco parentis"
includes grandparent and guardian, any person acting by, through,
or under the direction of a court with jurisdiction over the child,
and anyone who has express or implied consent of the parent or

So if he used "non deadly force" to discipline her, it's arguable that what he did was well within the laws of Texas. Damn....
So Texas takes the exact opposite view of me; non-deadly force is justified if under 18 and done by a parent as long as the parent believes the force is necessary. He'll probably get away without criminal charges then, but may lose his job anyway.

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